Definitely the final fic update anyway. I say that because on the surface I'm like "but maybe I'll update this blog before the year is over!"
Deep down inside though I know I won't. ;)
Anyway, I had made myself a promise that I was going to finish "Sea of Green" before the end of the year. I planned it out and was pretty sure I could finish the whole thing in 8 chapters and so I paced it and vowed to have the 8th chapter finished by this evening, if not before.
And guys, I finished the 8th chapter. :)
Unfortunately I realized with my last update that this is a 9-chapter fic. Ah, well. :P This gives me time also to polish up the first chapter of the third installment, "Forever Young". I have about maybe 2/3 or so of it written; the problem is that I don't know how long the chapter should be. I'm not sure of the pacing of the first act of that fic - or of any of it, really. I know how I want the first act to end. I'm NOT sure how much needs to get crammed into the first chapter though. Oh well, gettin' there.
I also plan on working on the next NEW, non-rewritey fic. Sadly I believe that my readership for the non-rewritey fics is down right now because everyone who was following them is in a major time crunch, especially as regards El Interneto. So I guess that's code for "I should focus on the rewrites instead." My goal for 2011 is to get at least two fics done, which I suppose means "Forever Young" (rewrite) and "Those Daring McQuacks in Their Flying Machines" (non-rewrite), but it might actually end up meaning FY and its sequel. Just focus on getting the rewrites done. I dunno.
I hope to write more in here next year. At least I've been sorta consistent this second half of the year... it's not frequent but it's steady, and that's something! But I want to get more content up. Good luck, huh? :D
I think that is all... Best wishes, happy New Year, and lalala all of that. :)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Hope Mama gets the shopping done
Well, another Christmas has come and gone. Which is OK. This one was nice enough. :)
I had a kind of a Darkwing-y Christmas, with finally receiving both the second set of the Darkwing DVDs (it has been a while) and also getting the first 4-issue arc of the comic series in the paperback collection. FINALLY. You guys, this is awesome squared. ^_^ The nicest part is that I can read and enjoy it without feeling a need to view it as "canon". I was really worried that, since there is a continuity in this series, I was going to take it as canon and watch my AU be utterly obliterated (I'm a bit of a canon fiend... I find it very hard to go against canon unless there is something I REALLY dislike), but this is more just a new series I can really enjoy. I told my husband it's like really good illustrated fanfic that has an "officially approved by Tad Stones" stamp on it. Awesome without being definitive, you know? :)
Since I have a few minutes here - though probably fewer than I will need - I thought I'd do a characterization post. It's been a while since I've done one, I've been saying for eons now that I'm going to do one for Bushroot, and here it is. ^_^ I'm finishing up "Sea of Green", which is the Bushroot "episode" of TWC. I will say that i don't quite have his voice with this one. I'm not saying I feel like I'm writing him blatantly OOC, but I don't feel like his dialogue is precisely him.
I actually feel like I have a pretty good handle on Bushroot's dialogue, when I hear it. He's whiny (especially his earlier eps, Tino Insana really pushes the whine in his voice) and kind of wishy-washy, and actually very cute in those regards. The problem is I'm just not translating that properly in my head. :P Maybe that's proof that what I'm trying to write doesn't *really* fit for Bushroot... I don't know.
Anyway, in some ways I'm glad I've waited a while to do a characterization post, because the way I've been writing for Reggie has developed a bit since I started writing this fic. I've gone back and rewatched some earlier eps (as I said), read some other fanfics, and just generally refined how I thought Beth and Reggie would interact. Initially I had him a lot more sort of semi-harmless, and motivated almost entirely by loneliness. At this point in my rewrite I think his underlying motive is still loneliness but also a pervading sense of injustice and unfairness, that the world (and Darkwing) keep dumping everything on him. Some of this has to do with Cheezey (among other authors) putting into words a view I realized I'd held for quite some time, which is that Bushroot refuses to take responsibilities for the things he brings on himself. He hates that Darkwing comes and ruins everything and throws him in jail - well geez, never occurs to you to maybe STOP COMMITTING CRIMES, Reggie? Admittedly, Darkwing would likely never *believe* that he'd stopped, but so far, he's been right. ;)
Reginald Bushroot, pre-accident, strikes me as a guy who is used to being stepped on and pushed around. he's never had any way to hit back. He has this accident (sort of; that's the term I'm using but it really was more of "unintented side effects of a successful experiment", but that's long, so we'll say "accident") and he gets powers, and suddenly he can push OTHER people around. He's not the first thwarted little man to quickly go out of control once he can actually hurt back. There's so much hurt and resentment boiling inside that guy that he completely doesn't even see. Reginald Bushroot is a nurturing, pacifist, gentle, caring man who hates other people and this dichotomy gives him such a sense of cognitive dissonance that he fails to recognize the second half of it. In his own mind, he's a guy who continues to take the lumps that fate keeps giving him and who sure, has made some mistakes, but no one ever lets him make up for them without judging him first.
And he's lonely. As far as he's concerned he doesn't have a friend, he has friendly underlings (he clearly adores his plants, and as much as he sends them out to do his dirty work, he's horrified and grief-stricken when they get destroyed) and pets, like Spike. Darkwing points out that Spike would be happy to be Bushroot's equal and friend, but really, Spike is NOT that. None of the plants have the "foot-in-the-human-world" that Bushroot has, and this must be maddening to him. This is clearly why he's tried more than once to create other "mutants" to join him - Rhoda Dendron, Gosalyn, and even Posie the potato. It's not enough to try to woo Rhoda as a duck, because he is NOT a duck, so he has to make her like himself. It's not enough to have plants for friends, because he is NOT a plant, so he has to make his own bride out of a plant and other things. Etc, etc. (Oh sure, I know he didn't *set out* to make Gosalyn a mutant plant-duck but the fact that the formula worked that way indicates it was intended to do much the same thing anyway - give heightened intelligence to whatever plant life he used it on, such as Hedgey, even though it failed.)
SO. I might not be able to write in his voice, but I've been trying to incorporate all this stuff into "Sea of Green". His motivation for his actions isn't about monetary gain - and aside from when he's with the Fearsome Five I don't see him acting for money, it all seems to be stealing for other purposes (gifts for Posie, fake money so he can buy plant supplies, screwing with people at Christmas, etc) - but because once again, he's been rejected. THIS IS NOT FAIR, and in the vein of someone who is tired of being expected to be a certain way he decides to really show them just exactly HOW much "that way" he can be. Then upon meeting someone who seems sympathetic - it could be anyone really - he has a new best friend. But I wanted to keep an element of danger in there - don't reject this guy, because if you are not with him you are against him, and he will not like you if you are against him. And years and years ago a friend of mine pointed out to me that as much as everyone seems to view Reggie as the most "harmless" member of the Fearsome Five, he is to date the only one of them who has actually killed ANYONE. Even including Negaduck, I think. I mean, Dr. Gary and Dr. Larson seem pretty totally dead.
Which is amazing when you think about it. DWD as a series had some really gruesome deaths that were totally glossed over by the people around them. Like the SHUSH agents made into candy. GAH! XD
My final feeling: I love Bushroot. And I do think he could reform. But not without a lot of therapy, anger management, and general support group work. One thing he has to do is accept all of his actions - everything he's ever done no matter what the consequences. That'll be hard because since his accident he's made a lot of really bad decisions. And ya know, if it were me at the end of this story, I'd send him to jail. We'll see what happens though. ^_~
I had a kind of a Darkwing-y Christmas, with finally receiving both the second set of the Darkwing DVDs (it has been a while) and also getting the first 4-issue arc of the comic series in the paperback collection. FINALLY. You guys, this is awesome squared. ^_^ The nicest part is that I can read and enjoy it without feeling a need to view it as "canon". I was really worried that, since there is a continuity in this series, I was going to take it as canon and watch my AU be utterly obliterated (I'm a bit of a canon fiend... I find it very hard to go against canon unless there is something I REALLY dislike), but this is more just a new series I can really enjoy. I told my husband it's like really good illustrated fanfic that has an "officially approved by Tad Stones" stamp on it. Awesome without being definitive, you know? :)
Since I have a few minutes here - though probably fewer than I will need - I thought I'd do a characterization post. It's been a while since I've done one, I've been saying for eons now that I'm going to do one for Bushroot, and here it is. ^_^ I'm finishing up "Sea of Green", which is the Bushroot "episode" of TWC. I will say that i don't quite have his voice with this one. I'm not saying I feel like I'm writing him blatantly OOC, but I don't feel like his dialogue is precisely him.
I actually feel like I have a pretty good handle on Bushroot's dialogue, when I hear it. He's whiny (especially his earlier eps, Tino Insana really pushes the whine in his voice) and kind of wishy-washy, and actually very cute in those regards. The problem is I'm just not translating that properly in my head. :P Maybe that's proof that what I'm trying to write doesn't *really* fit for Bushroot... I don't know.
Anyway, in some ways I'm glad I've waited a while to do a characterization post, because the way I've been writing for Reggie has developed a bit since I started writing this fic. I've gone back and rewatched some earlier eps (as I said), read some other fanfics, and just generally refined how I thought Beth and Reggie would interact. Initially I had him a lot more sort of semi-harmless, and motivated almost entirely by loneliness. At this point in my rewrite I think his underlying motive is still loneliness but also a pervading sense of injustice and unfairness, that the world (and Darkwing) keep dumping everything on him. Some of this has to do with Cheezey (among other authors) putting into words a view I realized I'd held for quite some time, which is that Bushroot refuses to take responsibilities for the things he brings on himself. He hates that Darkwing comes and ruins everything and throws him in jail - well geez, never occurs to you to maybe STOP COMMITTING CRIMES, Reggie? Admittedly, Darkwing would likely never *believe* that he'd stopped, but so far, he's been right. ;)
Reginald Bushroot, pre-accident, strikes me as a guy who is used to being stepped on and pushed around. he's never had any way to hit back. He has this accident (sort of; that's the term I'm using but it really was more of "unintented side effects of a successful experiment", but that's long, so we'll say "accident") and he gets powers, and suddenly he can push OTHER people around. He's not the first thwarted little man to quickly go out of control once he can actually hurt back. There's so much hurt and resentment boiling inside that guy that he completely doesn't even see. Reginald Bushroot is a nurturing, pacifist, gentle, caring man who hates other people and this dichotomy gives him such a sense of cognitive dissonance that he fails to recognize the second half of it. In his own mind, he's a guy who continues to take the lumps that fate keeps giving him and who sure, has made some mistakes, but no one ever lets him make up for them without judging him first.
And he's lonely. As far as he's concerned he doesn't have a friend, he has friendly underlings (he clearly adores his plants, and as much as he sends them out to do his dirty work, he's horrified and grief-stricken when they get destroyed) and pets, like Spike. Darkwing points out that Spike would be happy to be Bushroot's equal and friend, but really, Spike is NOT that. None of the plants have the "foot-in-the-human-world" that Bushroot has, and this must be maddening to him. This is clearly why he's tried more than once to create other "mutants" to join him - Rhoda Dendron, Gosalyn, and even Posie the potato. It's not enough to try to woo Rhoda as a duck, because he is NOT a duck, so he has to make her like himself. It's not enough to have plants for friends, because he is NOT a plant, so he has to make his own bride out of a plant and other things. Etc, etc. (Oh sure, I know he didn't *set out* to make Gosalyn a mutant plant-duck but the fact that the formula worked that way indicates it was intended to do much the same thing anyway - give heightened intelligence to whatever plant life he used it on, such as Hedgey, even though it failed.)
SO. I might not be able to write in his voice, but I've been trying to incorporate all this stuff into "Sea of Green". His motivation for his actions isn't about monetary gain - and aside from when he's with the Fearsome Five I don't see him acting for money, it all seems to be stealing for other purposes (gifts for Posie, fake money so he can buy plant supplies, screwing with people at Christmas, etc) - but because once again, he's been rejected. THIS IS NOT FAIR, and in the vein of someone who is tired of being expected to be a certain way he decides to really show them just exactly HOW much "that way" he can be. Then upon meeting someone who seems sympathetic - it could be anyone really - he has a new best friend. But I wanted to keep an element of danger in there - don't reject this guy, because if you are not with him you are against him, and he will not like you if you are against him. And years and years ago a friend of mine pointed out to me that as much as everyone seems to view Reggie as the most "harmless" member of the Fearsome Five, he is to date the only one of them who has actually killed ANYONE. Even including Negaduck, I think. I mean, Dr. Gary and Dr. Larson seem pretty totally dead.
Which is amazing when you think about it. DWD as a series had some really gruesome deaths that were totally glossed over by the people around them. Like the SHUSH agents made into candy. GAH! XD
My final feeling: I love Bushroot. And I do think he could reform. But not without a lot of therapy, anger management, and general support group work. One thing he has to do is accept all of his actions - everything he's ever done no matter what the consequences. That'll be hard because since his accident he's made a lot of really bad decisions. And ya know, if it were me at the end of this story, I'd send him to jail. We'll see what happens though. ^_~
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tonight I like the capslock!
So ... I really need to use this space to make interesting posts. Since there is a small number of people reading this blog now, even infrequently, perhaps you could suggest a topic for me to write an entry about? Anything you'd like to have ruminations on?
Potential topics I've been wanting to write about, but have been uninspired on, include characterizations posts (I need to do one for Bushroot, among others), a potential profile post on Beth, and I have been considering doing a post on OCs/Mary Sues in general based on a discussion on deviantART...
Just a thought, and if I don't get any replies I'll... well probably not write anything, still *^_^* But I'll ruminate and try to come up with something! Man, it's hard to find the time to do all the stuff I wanna do. REAL LIFE. WHAT.
So ... I really need to use this space to make interesting posts. Since there is a small number of people reading this blog now, even infrequently, perhaps you could suggest a topic for me to write an entry about? Anything you'd like to have ruminations on?
Potential topics I've been wanting to write about, but have been uninspired on, include characterizations posts (I need to do one for Bushroot, among others), a potential profile post on Beth, and I have been considering doing a post on OCs/Mary Sues in general based on a discussion on deviantART...
Just a thought, and if I don't get any replies I'll... well probably not write anything, still *^_^* But I'll ruminate and try to come up with something! Man, it's hard to find the time to do all the stuff I wanna do. REAL LIFE. WHAT.
Finally got the next chapter for "Sea of Green" up. (This announcement post is backwards, because only three people read this blog and so it would more sense for me to advertise the blog in the fanfic. Eh well.)
It took me FOREVER to get around to writing it. I had two weeks and I waited until the last two days, then had to go another two days over that deadline. Sheesh. Plus I realized that there will be a total of 9 chapters, not 8, so there's just no way I'm going to finish before January 1. But, that's okay, because even if I finish it IN January that's still only about 4 months or so to write this one; that's not that bad, all things considered. :) Seeing as how it took me about 8 years to rewrite the first fic, and all. ^_~
OH, and yes, sometimes I actually remember to link to things!
It took me FOREVER to get around to writing it. I had two weeks and I waited until the last two days, then had to go another two days over that deadline. Sheesh. Plus I realized that there will be a total of 9 chapters, not 8, so there's just no way I'm going to finish before January 1. But, that's okay, because even if I finish it IN January that's still only about 4 months or so to write this one; that's not that bad, all things considered. :) Seeing as how it took me about 8 years to rewrite the first fic, and all. ^_~
OH, and yes, sometimes I actually remember to link to things!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wikipedia, you've done it again!
Need a very small amount of information, just enough to fudge your way through something without actually researching it? That's why God invented Wikipedia!
Thank you, Wikipedia, for giving me the names of plant hormones that can induce growth. You even tossed in a known antagonist to one of them, which neatly answers a question I was going to have to address in the *next* chapter. Bless you!
...Now, if I actually needed to research something and know what I was talking about, Wikipedia would be more like a source to suggest real research sources. But for half-assed fudging my way through it, you betcha this is the way to go! :D
Thank you, Wikipedia, for giving me the names of plant hormones that can induce growth. You even tossed in a known antagonist to one of them, which neatly answers a question I was going to have to address in the *next* chapter. Bless you!
...Now, if I actually needed to research something and know what I was talking about, Wikipedia would be more like a source to suggest real research sources. But for half-assed fudging my way through it, you betcha this is the way to go! :D
So, lately I've been picking up some new readership with my rewrites. Which I don't think I ever really expected would happen.
So just to be inclusive I'm going to make a new tag for this blog, either "spoiler-free" or "spoilers", and use it as appropriate to indicate what is and is not safe for new readers. Because I give stuff away all over this blog. XD
I'm just not sure yet what would be better, as in, "quicker".
So just to be inclusive I'm going to make a new tag for this blog, either "spoiler-free" or "spoilers", and use it as appropriate to indicate what is and is not safe for new readers. Because I give stuff away all over this blog. XD
I'm just not sure yet what would be better, as in, "quicker".
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Thanks to Fanarts!
Hi guys, this'll finish out the shout-outs to the gift fan stuff I've gotten over the past few years. ^_^ Since there's not a lot of just art stuff, I'll just do it all in one post.
1- I can finally rave about this pic b/c it's finally online! LadyNiniane drew me this piece of fanart for "All About Elizabeth" a few years ago. I have no place to house fanart and I hadn't been able to find it online anymore so I was kind of stuck and unable to share it. When I found it in her gallery at I was delighted! Yay!
I love this piece; it's moody and thematic and I love the thing with the shadows. This fic was so hard on both Beth and Launchpad, was hard on ME to write (just b/c of the time it took; it wasn't an emotional toll, lol), and so this was a great reward to have LadyNiniane enjoy it so much that she was inspired to draw from it. ^_^
2- This piece by The Illustrious Crackpot is suitably hilarious, since Crackpot is a hilarious and high-energy artist. I've been trying to go in chronological order through her entire gallery for the past month or so. I'm like, maaaaaybe 2/3 of the way through by now. :D It's well worth it and so much fun and she has a great series called "Madness In A Box" that is very worth reading and getting into.
The pic of Beth was a sort of "welcome to dA" piece she did for me. I love it because I look at it and think it's probably approximately ten seconds before Beth's head explodes from sheer embarrassment. XD
3- DeathByMarshmallows did a random drive-by sketch of Beth along with her fan character and a couple of others by other artists/writers. There is nothing so awesome as random and unexpected gift art, under any circumstances, and this one is just so darn cute. Marty is DBM's character and I love that she's braiding Beth's hair. ^_^ This whole "slumber party and they're all BFFs" vibe just gives me giggles, even though Pixi (in the front left, with the tattoos) is giving Beth a look like she's going to duct tape her mouth closed in a few more seconds. XD DBM is also doing a commission for me that I will absolutely post about when it's finished!
So - thanks to all three of you lovely ladies and keep on with the art; I'm a huge fan of everything all three of you do and I would be even if you didn't draw Beth. (But I probably wouldn't mention you here since this is a Beth-centric blog. Just sayin', is all.)
1- I can finally rave about this pic b/c it's finally online! LadyNiniane drew me this piece of fanart for "All About Elizabeth" a few years ago. I have no place to house fanart and I hadn't been able to find it online anymore so I was kind of stuck and unable to share it. When I found it in her gallery at I was delighted! Yay!
I love this piece; it's moody and thematic and I love the thing with the shadows. This fic was so hard on both Beth and Launchpad, was hard on ME to write (just b/c of the time it took; it wasn't an emotional toll, lol), and so this was a great reward to have LadyNiniane enjoy it so much that she was inspired to draw from it. ^_^
2- This piece by The Illustrious Crackpot is suitably hilarious, since Crackpot is a hilarious and high-energy artist. I've been trying to go in chronological order through her entire gallery for the past month or so. I'm like, maaaaaybe 2/3 of the way through by now. :D It's well worth it and so much fun and she has a great series called "Madness In A Box" that is very worth reading and getting into.
The pic of Beth was a sort of "welcome to dA" piece she did for me. I love it because I look at it and think it's probably approximately ten seconds before Beth's head explodes from sheer embarrassment. XD
3- DeathByMarshmallows did a random drive-by sketch of Beth along with her fan character and a couple of others by other artists/writers. There is nothing so awesome as random and unexpected gift art, under any circumstances, and this one is just so darn cute. Marty is DBM's character and I love that she's braiding Beth's hair. ^_^ This whole "slumber party and they're all BFFs" vibe just gives me giggles, even though Pixi (in the front left, with the tattoos) is giving Beth a look like she's going to duct tape her mouth closed in a few more seconds. XD DBM is also doing a commission for me that I will absolutely post about when it's finished!
So - thanks to all three of you lovely ladies and keep on with the art; I'm a huge fan of everything all three of you do and I would be even if you didn't draw Beth. (But I probably wouldn't mention you here since this is a Beth-centric blog. Just sayin', is all.)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
It's December. Again.
Well, it's no longer Thanksgiving, but I'm going to finish this danged "thankful" thing I started anyway. It would help if I remembered I'd said I'd do it at some point when I'm actually sitting at a computer, which I did tonight, so... Here I am! :D
Okay, if you read DWD fanfiction then you should read the stuff by IcequeenKitty, who has written a series - nearly finished - sorta called "Darker DWD". And it is what its name implies, a group of epic fics that are set in an AU where things are just not quite the same. Little things, you know, like there's not comedy relief and stuff and also people are horribly murdered in grisly ways, and so on. Y'know, that.
The thing is that these fics are *amazing*. I don't usually like "dark" Darkwing fics. I like, in general, the style of the show - I don't mean I avoid serious/drama stuff, I just mean, scaryviolentdark stuff... isn't my thing. the small handful of times I've tried out darkfics I've found them overwritten, and if you've written a "dark" DW fic I very likely did NOT read yours (I've read like, two, and I don't remember by whom, but this was like ten years ago) so don't take it personally. ;) However though, I tried out Kitty's fics because I noticed a lot of the people I knew and enjoyed on had her as a favourite, and so I gave the first fic, "Roots of Revenge", a try. I was almost *startled* by how much I liked it. It, and the resulting series, is so well-crafted and the characterizations are so strong, whether they're similar to the series or not. And there's this great heart to it that resides largely with Gosalyn, who draws the characters together beautifully; Morgana deepens that when she comes into it as well.
OKAY! So that's a big build-up to say that when I issued my "Please write fic for me if you love me!" plea, Kitty actually took me up on it, and what's more, she put it in her amazing "Dark" AU. It's a work of beauty. She did not put it up on but that's okay, it's up on deviantART instead: Light at the End. I have no idea if this is canon in the series and I don't expect Beth to show up at the end of the final story (which is still in-progress), but it wouldn't kill the pleasure of this baby even if it were not canon, so it's all good. :)
Meanwhile Kitty also draws and she did a really seriously adorable pic of Beth for me a little while ago, here, which of course is obviously set in my 'verse and not hers. ;D
So there's another down; I have two more to do but I've covered all the gift-fic, and that should keep y'all busy for a while. ^_^
Okay, if you read DWD fanfiction then you should read the stuff by IcequeenKitty, who has written a series - nearly finished - sorta called "Darker DWD". And it is what its name implies, a group of epic fics that are set in an AU where things are just not quite the same. Little things, you know, like there's not comedy relief and stuff and also people are horribly murdered in grisly ways, and so on. Y'know, that.
The thing is that these fics are *amazing*. I don't usually like "dark" Darkwing fics. I like, in general, the style of the show - I don't mean I avoid serious/drama stuff, I just mean, scaryviolentdark stuff... isn't my thing. the small handful of times I've tried out darkfics I've found them overwritten, and if you've written a "dark" DW fic I very likely did NOT read yours (I've read like, two, and I don't remember by whom, but this was like ten years ago) so don't take it personally. ;) However though, I tried out Kitty's fics because I noticed a lot of the people I knew and enjoyed on had her as a favourite, and so I gave the first fic, "Roots of Revenge", a try. I was almost *startled* by how much I liked it. It, and the resulting series, is so well-crafted and the characterizations are so strong, whether they're similar to the series or not. And there's this great heart to it that resides largely with Gosalyn, who draws the characters together beautifully; Morgana deepens that when she comes into it as well.
OKAY! So that's a big build-up to say that when I issued my "Please write fic for me if you love me!" plea, Kitty actually took me up on it, and what's more, she put it in her amazing "Dark" AU. It's a work of beauty. She did not put it up on but that's okay, it's up on deviantART instead: Light at the End. I have no idea if this is canon in the series and I don't expect Beth to show up at the end of the final story (which is still in-progress), but it wouldn't kill the pleasure of this baby even if it were not canon, so it's all good. :)
Meanwhile Kitty also draws and she did a really seriously adorable pic of Beth for me a little while ago, here, which of course is obviously set in my 'verse and not hers. ;D
So there's another down; I have two more to do but I've covered all the gift-fic, and that should keep y'all busy for a while. ^_^
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving II
So, only time for one other thanks post tonight, but hey, two posts in a day? That's beating my weekly average already! ;)
So, I've already mentioned Amanda Rohrssen here, because she did a truly beautiful commission for me last year and I squeed about it in an entry. :D (And this is the commission in question in case you've forgotten or didn't read that far back! It's from "The House On Avian Way", or at least it's inspired by it.) Amanda also has created one of my favourite OCs (whom I have also mentioned here), Ariana McCawber. Ariana's fic is "The Other McCawber Girl" (that links to part one; here is part two).
Okay, bear with me. I've mentioned Ariana (she has her own tag even!) because Ari makes an appearance in "All About Elizabeth", and *that* happened because Amanda was sweet enough to use Beth in "The Other McCawber Girl". Even though that's an AU and not the same universe/canon as my series, it was clear from the start that Ariana and Beth would make very good friends since they're very similar and even though they come from very different backgrounds, they've dealt with a number of the same experiences in their lives. So Ari's presence in AAE was partly to pay Amanda back for using Beth, and just partly because it made sense. :)
ANYway! In addition to various chapters of OMG, Amanda also took up my Birthday Fic Request and wrote a really neat, fun one-shot story that takes place as a sort of "in-between" AU to both of our canons called "The Eternal Sunshine of the Thoughtless Mind" (I love that title), in which Ari and Beth are close friends and it's not quite her canon and not quite mine, but it's adorable and everyone is happy. ^_^ The story is a really fun plot involving FOWL and mistaken identity and birthdays, and Ari and Beth get kidnapped, and there's a whole big thing about skin cancer. XD It's a hoot and if you haven't read Amanda's stuff, but you like Beth, you should read this and then you get to meet Ariana and then you can go read OMG and get hooked on THAT, as you should, and then you can pick up on all her other stuff.
(And also leave her some comments, at least on "Eternal Sunshine", huh?)
All her stories are great and I can't single one out. "Sins of the Father" is about Drake's father Jacob; "Gumshoe" kind of destroys all canon, fanfic and real alike, and has a noir-style blast doing it; "A Penny Saved is a Penny Spurned" is a straight-up non-OC crossover between DWD and DuckTales that is in-progress.
Also, Amanda is a wonderful artist, as the LP/Beth commission will no doubt demonstrate; her deviantART account is at this link, and is a lot of fun to browse. Also she is still taking commissions, though her schedule is crazy so there is a backlog, but they are well worth the wait. ^_^
So thank you Amanda! Thank you for liking Beth enough to use her in your fic, for writing fic for me, for drawing for me, and thank you for creating Ariana in the first place. ^_^ Happy thanksgiving!
We'll see if I can't get to a couple more of these tomorrow! If not then maybe Sat or Sun. Everyone deserves a thanks and a shout-out!
So, I've already mentioned Amanda Rohrssen here, because she did a truly beautiful commission for me last year and I squeed about it in an entry. :D (And this is the commission in question in case you've forgotten or didn't read that far back! It's from "The House On Avian Way", or at least it's inspired by it.) Amanda also has created one of my favourite OCs (whom I have also mentioned here), Ariana McCawber. Ariana's fic is "The Other McCawber Girl" (that links to part one; here is part two).
Okay, bear with me. I've mentioned Ariana (she has her own tag even!) because Ari makes an appearance in "All About Elizabeth", and *that* happened because Amanda was sweet enough to use Beth in "The Other McCawber Girl". Even though that's an AU and not the same universe/canon as my series, it was clear from the start that Ariana and Beth would make very good friends since they're very similar and even though they come from very different backgrounds, they've dealt with a number of the same experiences in their lives. So Ari's presence in AAE was partly to pay Amanda back for using Beth, and just partly because it made sense. :)
ANYway! In addition to various chapters of OMG, Amanda also took up my Birthday Fic Request and wrote a really neat, fun one-shot story that takes place as a sort of "in-between" AU to both of our canons called "The Eternal Sunshine of the Thoughtless Mind" (I love that title), in which Ari and Beth are close friends and it's not quite her canon and not quite mine, but it's adorable and everyone is happy. ^_^ The story is a really fun plot involving FOWL and mistaken identity and birthdays, and Ari and Beth get kidnapped, and there's a whole big thing about skin cancer. XD It's a hoot and if you haven't read Amanda's stuff, but you like Beth, you should read this and then you get to meet Ariana and then you can go read OMG and get hooked on THAT, as you should, and then you can pick up on all her other stuff.
(And also leave her some comments, at least on "Eternal Sunshine", huh?)
All her stories are great and I can't single one out. "Sins of the Father" is about Drake's father Jacob; "Gumshoe" kind of destroys all canon, fanfic and real alike, and has a noir-style blast doing it; "A Penny Saved is a Penny Spurned" is a straight-up non-OC crossover between DWD and DuckTales that is in-progress.
Also, Amanda is a wonderful artist, as the LP/Beth commission will no doubt demonstrate; her deviantART account is at this link, and is a lot of fun to browse. Also she is still taking commissions, though her schedule is crazy so there is a backlog, but they are well worth the wait. ^_^
So thank you Amanda! Thank you for liking Beth enough to use her in your fic, for writing fic for me, for drawing for me, and thank you for creating Ariana in the first place. ^_^ Happy thanksgiving!
We'll see if I can't get to a couple more of these tomorrow! If not then maybe Sat or Sun. Everyone deserves a thanks and a shout-out!
awesome fic is awesome,
fic that's not by me,
gift fic,
In the spirit of the holiday, and of this blog, I thought I would take a little while to do something I've been meaning to do for some time: and that is to express my gratitude for gift art and fic I've received, and also pimp out the people behind said gifts. :D I started this a few posts ago with Marci, who had written the start of a fic for me - see that post for the link - and I'm going to continue for as long as I can find the time, a precious commodity around here, believe me. :P
I'll start with Eric, who has done some really nifty pics of Beth in the past but more recently (well, 2008) wrote a fanfic in which she was the guest star!
The fic is called "Natural Madness" (and here it is), and Eric wrote it for me for my Birthday Request in '08 when I had balls enough to ask people to devote huge portions of their time and creativity to me. Because Eric rocks, he did so. :)
"Natural Madness" is a great story which is, true to Eric's style, at once nicely in-character for DW and at the same time playing in a darker setting. In this universe, Bushroot has gone crazy after an accident and is now Bushroot X, a creature who always wears a mask and (far worse) kidnaps other victims and locks them behind masks as well. In this fic he picks Beth out as his Masked Bride-to-be. The story, despite its dark premise, never goes too far into the frightening zone to the point where it would push the character into a level of unbelievability. DW has a lot of dialogue you could hear on the show, and actually, the whole fic has numerous moments of humour that I found really appealing.
Eric has two other fics up on, "The Brain Pickers" and "The Agitator". I've only had time to read "The Brain Pickers" (yep I'm that lame, I have to struggle to read fanfiction :P) but like this one, it's a good plot and good characterization, and there's a mix of original tone, humour, and also a much darker feel. "The Brain Pickers" explores what happens when FOWL puts a few elements together and takes note of who DW is commonly seen with *other* than LP and Gosalyn... so they target Honker Muddlefoot. (Poor Honker!) The main difference between this fic and the show is that DW gets to be a bit more competently heroic than he was often portrayed on the show (since it was more of a comedy-action than just straight action show), and since it's refreshing to see DW know what he's doing while still being in-character, I have no complaints. :)
Check Eric's stuff out today! He also has a deviantART account here:
I hope to make more of these posts throughout the day, or if not today, then tomorrow. Of course on a day like today my time is limited so let's just cross our fingers... :)
I'll start with Eric, who has done some really nifty pics of Beth in the past but more recently (well, 2008) wrote a fanfic in which she was the guest star!
The fic is called "Natural Madness" (and here it is), and Eric wrote it for me for my Birthday Request in '08 when I had balls enough to ask people to devote huge portions of their time and creativity to me. Because Eric rocks, he did so. :)
"Natural Madness" is a great story which is, true to Eric's style, at once nicely in-character for DW and at the same time playing in a darker setting. In this universe, Bushroot has gone crazy after an accident and is now Bushroot X, a creature who always wears a mask and (far worse) kidnaps other victims and locks them behind masks as well. In this fic he picks Beth out as his Masked Bride-to-be. The story, despite its dark premise, never goes too far into the frightening zone to the point where it would push the character into a level of unbelievability. DW has a lot of dialogue you could hear on the show, and actually, the whole fic has numerous moments of humour that I found really appealing.
Eric has two other fics up on, "The Brain Pickers" and "The Agitator". I've only had time to read "The Brain Pickers" (yep I'm that lame, I have to struggle to read fanfiction :P) but like this one, it's a good plot and good characterization, and there's a mix of original tone, humour, and also a much darker feel. "The Brain Pickers" explores what happens when FOWL puts a few elements together and takes note of who DW is commonly seen with *other* than LP and Gosalyn... so they target Honker Muddlefoot. (Poor Honker!) The main difference between this fic and the show is that DW gets to be a bit more competently heroic than he was often portrayed on the show (since it was more of a comedy-action than just straight action show), and since it's refreshing to see DW know what he's doing while still being in-character, I have no complaints. :)
Check Eric's stuff out today! He also has a deviantART account here:
I hope to make more of these posts throughout the day, or if not today, then tomorrow. Of course on a day like today my time is limited so let's just cross our fingers... :)
awesome fic is awesome,
fic that's not by me,
gift fic,
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Wait a minute, I - Jiminy Christmas.
It's actually been a month since my last update? Oh CRACKERS. D:
Well, I know I've been owing this blog several really good posts, and *those are coming*, but it's been crazy busy at work and my nights at home are usually spent either with quality time or else trying to draw (hah); so I haven't done much writing and even less blogging.
But here's some fic.
"Sea of Green" is updated! And I actually linked you to the fic this time! SO you have no excuse!
PS: I gots deviantART account now: It's a really predictable name!
Well, I know I've been owing this blog several really good posts, and *those are coming*, but it's been crazy busy at work and my nights at home are usually spent either with quality time or else trying to draw (hah); so I haven't done much writing and even less blogging.
But here's some fic.
"Sea of Green" is updated! And I actually linked you to the fic this time! SO you have no excuse!
PS: I gots deviantART account now: It's a really predictable name!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
And then, the other thing
Just updated "Sea of Green" at you know I don't have the energy to put up the link. FAIL. D:
(It doesn't matter though, most people who read this will either see this weeks from now or get a notification through But I like to pretend.)
(It doesn't matter though, most people who read this will either see this weeks from now or get a notification through But I like to pretend.)
Fanfic that is not by me and is therefore OMGSOAMAZING!!!
I got permission from Marci to pimp out the fic she wrote for me!
A couple of years ago I got all high and mighty and for my birthday asked people to write fic for me, specifically fic with Beth in it. I had only a few people with the time and inspiration to take me up on this, and I am amazed that that many did so, and everything that they gave me was *amazing*. I actually still intend to do a giant "OMG" post on each and every piece. But Marci only showed me what she wrote (I guess 'cause it's still incomplete, pfff, like THAT matters :D) a couple of weeks ago, and after I saw it and died, I wanted to make sure I had her permission to share it around... it being unfinished and all. I dunno, you'd think that with her having posted it that would be a sign that it's shareable, but eh, I err on the side of caution. FAR too often it turns out but ANYWAY! ;)
Here's the link to the absolutely fantastic stuff she has written so far:
Seeing as how I respect the need to work where you have the inspiration and all, I am *not* advising anyone to bug her to finish it, but if anyone wanted to send "inspirational vibes" in her direction... s'all I'm sayin'. ^_~ (though only if it doesn't throw off her work on her original fic. Priorities, man.)
*dies again*
Swear to god you guys. I'm going to have a "Guest Star Corner" thing here where I can rave about the various Webfoot-related gifts/commissions I've gotten over the years. I just need to get my s*** together is all.
P.S. Read some of her other stuff too. Marci's awesome is not limited to the times when she writes my OC.
A couple of years ago I got all high and mighty and for my birthday asked people to write fic for me, specifically fic with Beth in it. I had only a few people with the time and inspiration to take me up on this, and I am amazed that that many did so, and everything that they gave me was *amazing*. I actually still intend to do a giant "OMG" post on each and every piece. But Marci only showed me what she wrote (I guess 'cause it's still incomplete, pfff, like THAT matters :D) a couple of weeks ago, and after I saw it and died, I wanted to make sure I had her permission to share it around... it being unfinished and all. I dunno, you'd think that with her having posted it that would be a sign that it's shareable, but eh, I err on the side of caution. FAR too often it turns out but ANYWAY! ;)
Here's the link to the absolutely fantastic stuff she has written so far:
Seeing as how I respect the need to work where you have the inspiration and all, I am *not* advising anyone to bug her to finish it, but if anyone wanted to send "inspirational vibes" in her direction... s'all I'm sayin'. ^_~ (though only if it doesn't throw off her work on her original fic. Priorities, man.)
*dies again*
Swear to god you guys. I'm going to have a "Guest Star Corner" thing here where I can rave about the various Webfoot-related gifts/commissions I've gotten over the years. I just need to get my s*** together is all.
P.S. Read some of her other stuff too. Marci's awesome is not limited to the times when she writes my OC.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
When I wake up - in the afternoon, which it pleases me to do
Don't nobody bring me no bad news.
So I'm working on TWC2 - "Sea of Green" - right now, and to many that would mean it would only make sense that I post my chapter notes as I go. I've considered that but have decided to hold off until the fic is complete, because that gives me the chance to revise it and tighten it up as I go back over it to put the notes together.
I will talk about it, though. I put up chapter three of Act I last weekend, and after I did I felt awkward about it. I'm not sure why - maybe because I wrote almost the entire chapter in one night - but more than that I felt weird about Beth's characterization throughout all three chapters so far.
I had to really consider it to figure out why I felt this way. I had this suspicion that the way I wrote her has changed since I finished AAE - that she's even more nervous than she used to be, and that this resulted in making her unlikeable in what I'm writing now.
I finally kind of came to terms with this a few days later because I reminded myself that I haven't changed my writing style for her because of AAE - I'm regressing it back for TWC2. After all, chronologically this fic is only her second appearance and Beth needs to be a lot more awkward and nervous at this stage. The whole point of the Webfoot Chronicles was to show a little bit of character growth for her, and the way that her meeting DW sort of catalyzes her into another stage of her life. That was the point of AAE as well (catalyzing, stages of life, etc) so I guess that's why I felt the kinship in the writing styles, but even if Beth is a little hard to take at this stage, it's not permanent. She'll get better. Promise. :)
I've had some good feedback on this one, though. So I guess she's not as much of a problem as I thought she was. ^_~
Now I just have to figure out how I want her to interact with Bushroot.
Speaking of which... I think Bushroot will be the subject of my next (non-AAE-related) post... whenever that happens.
So I'm working on TWC2 - "Sea of Green" - right now, and to many that would mean it would only make sense that I post my chapter notes as I go. I've considered that but have decided to hold off until the fic is complete, because that gives me the chance to revise it and tighten it up as I go back over it to put the notes together.
I will talk about it, though. I put up chapter three of Act I last weekend, and after I did I felt awkward about it. I'm not sure why - maybe because I wrote almost the entire chapter in one night - but more than that I felt weird about Beth's characterization throughout all three chapters so far.
I had to really consider it to figure out why I felt this way. I had this suspicion that the way I wrote her has changed since I finished AAE - that she's even more nervous than she used to be, and that this resulted in making her unlikeable in what I'm writing now.
I finally kind of came to terms with this a few days later because I reminded myself that I haven't changed my writing style for her because of AAE - I'm regressing it back for TWC2. After all, chronologically this fic is only her second appearance and Beth needs to be a lot more awkward and nervous at this stage. The whole point of the Webfoot Chronicles was to show a little bit of character growth for her, and the way that her meeting DW sort of catalyzes her into another stage of her life. That was the point of AAE as well (catalyzing, stages of life, etc) so I guess that's why I felt the kinship in the writing styles, but even if Beth is a little hard to take at this stage, it's not permanent. She'll get better. Promise. :)
I've had some good feedback on this one, though. So I guess she's not as much of a problem as I thought she was. ^_~
Now I just have to figure out how I want her to interact with Bushroot.
Speaking of which... I think Bushroot will be the subject of my next (non-AAE-related) post... whenever that happens.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Don't Say No to the Incredible Medicine Show
More notes for AAE! Chapter 3 of Act I (or chapter 5 on
-Dr. Camelback has some origins in a book called "Orphans of Chaos" by John C. Wright, though I have to admit that it's been so long now since I've read the book that I don't remember precisely how.
-Pattie, Violet, and Frieda are names from Charles Schulz's "Peanuts". They're all secondary characters who, I think, eventually got dropped. :P
-Nicola is slightly inspired by a character in "Fire and Hemlock" by Diana Wynne Jones (a girl named Nina).
I reference Beth as being "small for her age" in this section. She stays on the skinny side all her life, but I picture her as starting out tiny and then sprouting up like a weed in terms of height when she hits a certain age. Beth is not outrageously tall, but she's perhaps a bit taller than she should be, if that makes sense.
Poor Beth, getting taken advantage of from the first. The idea that a group of kids, the oldest of which is only 7, would be left alone to wander about for themselves was an effort to reinforce what Beth says before this flashback starts - that the people in charge forgot that high intelligence doesn't translate at all into maturity. A smart kid is still a kid.
Note the subtle statement in this scene that Beth does not wear glasses at age 7. I didn't have a good way to say that outright (it would've been weird to describe her as "not wearing glasses", after all) so it's a little bit subtle and perhaps easier to forget. I bet most readers imagine Wee Little Beth with glasses. (I almost do myself.)
Geez, Camelback is such a d***. ;D
I don't have a whole lot to say about the stuff at Pinny's; none of it is based on any real experience in my life so I can't talk about that, and it's fairly straightforward, I think. I hope it's not over the top; although I've never had these actual experiences, I've had strained relationships with adults (as I think many people have) and I've had trouble joining social circles (as I think many have, again) so I'm assuming these are somewhat familiar themes even if the events are themselves particular or perhaps a bit melodramatic.
Beth's mass-shunning in the cafeteria is a little reminiscent of a scene in Amanda Rohrssen's "The Other McCawber Girl", which was not intentional, though I will admit for full disclosure that I am pretty sure I had read that scene by the time I wrote this fic. I wasn't thinking of that, thogh, but rather of the general experience of being an outcast and being ignored. Beth's experience here, it should be noted, is not based at all on who she is but just on her being a stranger; it's not a personal reaction, it's just a mass ignoring. This almost uniformly typifies her experiences throughout this story: she's infrequently directly targeted, and much more often just overlooked, which I think is a common theme in growing up. Everyone gets targeted at some point, but being totally ignored - although less dramatic - can be painful too.
I wondered what to name Beth's three roommates for a while and then decided on the names from "Peanuts". Once I'd do that the personalities kind of dropped into place, especially Frieda's who clearly had to have naturally curly hair and also be a big of a braggart.
Beth ruminates on what she'd done to be sent away - we don't learn until later why she's so certain that this is what has happened - and she reflects that she could promise to change and be whatever her mother wanted if she could come back. This is also a recurring theme for Beth; she keeps, in her head, promising to change herself to be what other people want. I think it's noteworthy that she never ever does this.
Beth's staying at Pinny's over Thanksgiving is not a "Harry Potter" reference in case anyone was wondering, though on rereading it kind of looks that way. *shrug*
The "sad story about 2 older kids who fell in love but then died" is 'Romeo and Juliet'. I thought that this might be about what a 7-year-old would get out of it: the very bare bones of the story, with the rest being written in such apocryphal language and about such complicated things that it would basically go over her head.
As mentioned above, Nicola has roots in a girl named Nina from a Diana Wynne Jones novel. There's nothing specific that she does that mirrors this character, but Nina has a certain exuberance and a liking for imaginativeness, as well as a falling out with the main character, that were in my mind when I was thinking of characteristics for Beth's first "friend". The name, Nicola, has no significance.
-Dr. Camelback has some origins in a book called "Orphans of Chaos" by John C. Wright, though I have to admit that it's been so long now since I've read the book that I don't remember precisely how.
-Pattie, Violet, and Frieda are names from Charles Schulz's "Peanuts". They're all secondary characters who, I think, eventually got dropped. :P
-Nicola is slightly inspired by a character in "Fire and Hemlock" by Diana Wynne Jones (a girl named Nina).
all about elizabeth,
chapter notes,
read along with zebbie,
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Let's Take a Trip Together
Hi folks, here's some chapter notes for AAE! We're up to chapter two here (that's chapter two of Act I, or the fourth chapter I posted on if you're following at home. Or um... at, rather).
- "The Simpsons" for Eeeeyelloooo? Not that they made it up, exactly, that's just what I was thinking of.
- "Who is this?" is a direct reference to "Seinfeld". If you've seen any of the episodes that use that (there are several) you'll know exactly how Gosalyn says it.
- "Comic Book Capers", for the engine knocking.
-Professor Pinfeather's School for Gifted Youngsters is a reference to "The Uncanny X-Men" - Professor Xavier's School for... etc.
Ah, the start of the school year... and covering your books. I hated that and usually managed to put it off for about a month, or until I got a note sent home.
I love how obnoxious Gosalyn is on the phone here. It's like the precise counterpoint to how annoyingly neurotic Beth is being - Gos is perfectly winding her up. My favourite way to write Gosalyn is by having her not take anything seriously.
I can't remember if there are any episodes that have LP working on the ThunderQuack when he's depressed (I'm rusty on a lot of the middle-to-late eps these days), but I know I've used it a lot among my fics for this reason. So hey. Inner continuity, anyway.
The idea that Beth could be easily swayed by being asked to do homework kind of comes, I think, from "The Simpsons"... I know someone used it first, manipulating someone into doing something by calling it homework. "The Simpsons" seems most likely. Any time I know I was inspired by something indirectly but I can't remember what it was, I usually assume it was "The Simpsons". :P
This scene here with Beth trying to think of her regrets is like a big teaser of the rest of the fic. I left out a few things, such as Ariana (I did know at the time that I would be bringing her in), which was intentional because I wanted her to be a surprise. The first release left out some things I didn't know I would include, but I've added them in now that the fic is complete.
So we start the flashbacks. The hardest thing in writing the flashbacks, for me, was setting them up. Trying to figure out what should be in the flashback and what should be monologued by Beth was tricky; I also always wanted to make it clear that Beth was not *telling* Dr. Mortimer everything that we see in the flashbacks, which was hard since I didn't want to tell every story twice (her words, and her experience). So there had to be enough crossover to show the difference, but not too much, and I had to guess at what would sound better coming from her and what would be better shown through narrative. Sometimes I think Beth just goes on too long. Then again, looking at these notes, I guess we know whose fault that is. :P
I probably don't have to explain this but Beth doing everyone else's work for them is a continued theme into her adult life, at least up to when she quits Bindler's Hardware. She'd still be doing it happily for Drake, if his line of work related to her expertise in any way, too.
Beth and being nice to people in hopes they'll be nice back - this is the very first sign of how jaded she is underneath, and how much she's been hiding that from her friends, family, and self. Actually it took *me* by surprise a little.
Part of why this fic is long (not the only reason... just *part*) is because Dr. Mortimer asks questions that aren't strictly related to the plot. There's a lot of filler conversation in here. I have a bad habit in my fics of letting the characters take over the dialogue - sometimes I really have to PUSH them to get them to go where I want, and Mortimer was like that a lot. Then again, I didn't want him to seem TOO insightful and always ask just the right questions - that's a little too convenient.
- "The Simpsons" for Eeeeyelloooo? Not that they made it up, exactly, that's just what I was thinking of.
- "Who is this?" is a direct reference to "Seinfeld". If you've seen any of the episodes that use that (there are several) you'll know exactly how Gosalyn says it.
- "Comic Book Capers", for the engine knocking.
-Professor Pinfeather's School for Gifted Youngsters is a reference to "The Uncanny X-Men" - Professor Xavier's School for... etc.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Sometimes I wish that my primary 'ship was NOT one that I've created, using an OC of mine. I mean sure, makes it real easy to shape the direction and all, yeah. But those times when I'm feeling depressed and I think that reading some fanfic of them would be nice, all I have is my own material. :P
I need to branch out more. ;)
I need to branch out more. ;)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Forgot to mention last night
That I uploaded the first couple of chapters to TWC2 at! Voici:
Please review! :)
Probably won't have notes for a while yet since I like to write them as I revise, at the end of a fic (or at least after revisiting them), but once I finish notes for AAE we'll see what comes out. :) Besides, since I want to get this one done quickly... well, we'll see, like I said.
Please review! :)
Probably won't have notes for a while yet since I like to write them as I revise, at the end of a fic (or at least after revisiting them), but once I finish notes for AAE we'll see what comes out. :) Besides, since I want to get this one done quickly... well, we'll see, like I said.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
If Only I Don't Suffocate
Does anyone else want to write Epic Fanfic based on "Bend Or Break" by Keane? Surely not just me. (Not for DWD, though, it doesn't strike me with the right tone.)
Anyway! I have the next batch of notes for AAE here, would've had them sooner but I only unpacked and set up my home computer this week since we moved a month ago. :)P Here's the lengthy blabfest for Act I, Chapter 1!
- "The Music Man"; as I said, Irene Webfoot is a nod to Mrs. Paroo from this musical. The line "an' yer changin' the subject" is a callback to the one song that Mrs. Paroo (kind of) sings on, an argument between her and her daughter where she is accused of changing the subject herself.
- "Donnie Darko" is the source of 'Yarn Barn', which is where Donnie's older sister works.
Man, there is stuff in here that I had forgotten I had already started by this point. Somehow that makes me feel awful. I didn't realize I was writing the therapy stuff this early... This fic just went on forever, didn't it? :P Not to mention I originally had Beth thinking how at this rate she'll need a month before she can see LP and Drake again... and then she's actually gone for nearly *two* months. Ay yi yi. The time got away from me, what can I say... I changed the line to "six months" just so it's less obvious. :P (And then I mention it here because I LIKE TO MAKE MYSELF LOOK DUMB apparently)
First scene with Beth and Irene, in which Beth immediately has no patience for her mother... Which I hope doesn't make her look unpleasant. I find it realistic. I know a number of adult women who respond this way to their mothers' well-meaning but nosy questions, and I'm NOT just referring to myself. ;) On the other hand, Beth isn't meant to be 100% in the right here, either.
And our total introduction to Candy! Candy is someone who took me a while to get to know. I had the idea for the scene between Candy and Beth towards the end quite early on, but I didn't really start to understand her as a character for a while. She remained a bit of a villain in my mind for a LONG time, which is pretty much what she is in these early scenes, though you can see a glimmer of sisterly love in there if you squint.
Actually, to be honest, Candy is a little bit based on me. I'm an older, rather than younger, sister, and I have perhaps too strong a dose of "I know best" in me. I kind of put that (on steroids, though) into Candy's personality. She goes way farther than I ever would.
I will be going somewhat more into the elements of Beth's personality that we see here; when she's around non-Webfoot people she so avoids confrontation that the idea of her arguing this much may seem completely alien. I'm going to address that in the rewrites of TWC, but I also address it (in a sort of retcon) in this fic and I hope it makes sense.
Dr. Mortimer is one of those names that I kinda picked out of nowhere because it sounded funny. Who knew I'd be writing it in nearly every chapter for the next three years. :P
I also have no idea if it's illegal or not to make an appointment for someone else to go to therapy. I think there are ethical reasons, the same way you can't have someone committed unless they're a danger to themselves or others, but it might not work that way for therapy - in fact I'm almost sure it doesn't but it made for a good way to show the extent of Irene's pushiness.
Beth not caring for waiting rooms is kind of a callback to "Something In The Air" which at the time was a throwaway gag. Deciding to turn throwaway gags into character points - yay! :P
I'm not sure where Beth's mistrust of therapists comes from, but it's a character trait I came up with in the late 90s. Personally I have high regard for the entire profession of psychology and psychiatry, and I ate up the classes I took. (Yep, armchair therapist right here.)
You can see me kind of scrambling to come up with reasons why Beth wouldn't just go in and say "okay, here's what the problem is" and would instead start talking about her life history. There were two reasons I needed the story to go that way: 1, it was intended to be Beth's life history and this was the format I chose to frame it in, and 2, I was actually just as uncomfortable writing Beth talking about DW and Launchpad as Beth was with doing the actual talking, and I took that as a sign that Beth didn't want to do it and that forcing it would be out of character.
Note the brief description of Beth's job. I have never made it clear what she does, and I thought I'd toss that in there to outline it in slightly more detail. It's still quite vague.
Not everything Beth says here to Dr. Mortimer about being happy is entirely true. You know how when you're depressed it seems like everything has always been, and will always be, as bad as it is right then? That's the problem she's having.
I think I've mentioned this before, but Dr. Mortimer's "therapy" idea of having Beth write down her big regrets so that they can discuss them... that's not really any kind of therapy idea I've heard of, and to be honest, I just picked that so that I had a way to roughly divide up the flashbacks in the fic. I wanted it to go more thematically than chronologically, even though most of the flashbacks are in order anyway, but yeah... that's the reason for the "regrets". I thought it might be useful from a discussion perspective, too.
Anyway! I have the next batch of notes for AAE here, would've had them sooner but I only unpacked and set up my home computer this week since we moved a month ago. :)P Here's the lengthy blabfest for Act I, Chapter 1!
- "The Music Man"; as I said, Irene Webfoot is a nod to Mrs. Paroo from this musical. The line "an' yer changin' the subject" is a callback to the one song that Mrs. Paroo (kind of) sings on, an argument between her and her daughter where she is accused of changing the subject herself.
- "Donnie Darko" is the source of 'Yarn Barn', which is where Donnie's older sister works.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Ever-Vivacious Head of Kitty Carlisle Says:
"HI everybody! Let's start the game!"
So I'm weak-willed, and thus I'm going to break down and post the scene I've been working on for TWC3's rewrite. It may or may not be the opening to the fic - I haven't decided yet - and it's unbeta'd, but what the heck; it's going to be at least another 3-4 months before I start posting this. :)
SPOILERS ahead if you have not read the original versions! (Why do I bother doing this?) If you haven't read them and don't want to be spoiled, or if you want to wait until after reading the rewrite of TWC2, or have some other reason you want to avoid spoilers, read no further on this entry!
As an aside, I'm wondering if I ought to transport this blog over to Dreamwidth or something, so that I can use cut-tags. I miss cut-tags on this format. ANYway!
A little context for people who aren't familiar with the original version, but want to read onward anyway. In my initial version I reached a point where LP and DW "needed" (in my mind) to come to odds over Beth. Mmm, that's good drama! Well, I actually still feel that way - for one thing, DW is just nasty to her sometimes, and someone needs to defend the poor kid. For another, it's... well, it's still good drama. If done right anyway.
For quite some time though I was worried about writing it - as much as I wanted to do it, I had no idea how to do it without just making it go overboard... How not to make Drake look like an unforgivable jerk, how to keep LP in character, how not to make Beth look like OMGPOORABUSEDBETH!... well, a few weeks ago I was walking from the bus stop to work and a little scene popped into my head and I realized it would work. I could've written it in like three days but it was RIGHT the day before we left to go on vacation to Canada. I worked on it a little while we were there but the distraction level was high. So it's taken me a while to get as far as I have... which isn't all that far... but it's something! Oh, the spoilers are pretty mild; mostly they allude to the fact that Beth gets kidnapped by Bushroot in TWC2, and this together with her being followed by Megavolt convinces Darkwing that she's actually a villainess in disguise. (new twist. *G*)
One last note: I was going to wait on this but I've been getting antsy because of the new comic. I haven't read a single panel of it, and I realized it could be a "game-changer" or something. Well, I tend to get paranoid about my canon, not because I need it to come true but because I don't want to be hugely contradicting something that is now the NEW, ACTUAL canon. Plus the general zeitgeist of DWD right now just makes me want to write a LOT and put it out there. I wish I was connecting better with the public, but at least I'm writing; that's making me happy. :)
So! No further ado; here's the scene in question. I will love any feedback I get!
There are many ways in which a hero can protect his city.
The most obvious way, of course, is to defeat the denizens of darkness as they come forward, deducing their diabolical intentions and nullifying the nefarious nogoodniks before they can bring their plans to fruition. After a lifetime of experience, Darkwing Duck had mastered this ability and could do it in his sleep. In fact, he had, but that was another story.
A lesser-known protection, however, is the dedication to constant vigilance. Constant vigilance is what allows the very best heroes to not only thwart the very worst plans of the very worst villains as they unfold, but to act preemptively, eliminating threats before they have a chance to strike. Constant vigilance is the way in which the very best vigilantes monitor potential subjects and catch them *before* they are able to perpetrate any wrongdoing.
Constant vigilance, and a healthy dose of intuition, are among the weapons at the disposal of the peak heroes of the world - the creme de la creme, if you will.
Darkwing Duck's intuition had led him to watch a certain newcomer into his life very closely. He was, in fact, ready to place her on the "constant vigilance" list. At first glance, Beth Webfoot was harmless: shy, bespectacled, and interested only in hardware and the occasional babysitting gig. But after a series of odd events, all of which had seemed to involve her in one way or another, Darkwing's intuition had begun to tell him that this woman needed watching.
She seemed to attract supervillains like a magnet, for one thing. There was that, which of itself was suspicious, but add to it the fact that she was worming her way into his family life... coincidence? How big of a coincidence would it have to be for an honestly harmless woman to meet him, get hired to babysit his daughter, and via totally-unrelated means bump into not one but *two* of his most dangerous arch-enemies?
That would be one big coincidence, Darkwing believed. Too big.
Plus there was something about her that just *bugged* him.
A generic background search hadn't turned up any information, and as a result Gosalyn and Launchpad were telling him he was being irrational. So, all that meant was that Beth Webfoot was very, very crafty - and probably using an alias. He'd have to probe deeper.
Some might say that it was faulty logic for Darkwing Duck to allow a suspected supervillain to babysit his daughter several nights a week, but Darkwing believed in the wise old adage, "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer." He was on guard, and so he didn't believe Gosalyn was in any genuine danger. From what he could see, Beth was sounding him out as much as he was sounding her out. He was confident that he'd be able to track her movements well enough to know before she was about to strike.
Meanwhile, he had the advantage: surprise, and foreknowledge. She clearly had no idea that he knew, and while he was being cagey, he could also play her like a fiddle and find out whatever he needed to know.
It was a Wednesday night when he decided to gather information. If the preliminary background check had failed, he would just have to get as much on her as he could, and look at it from every angle. With that in mind, in his Drake Mallard guise, he sat himself down next to her on the couch and began.
"So, Ms. Webfoot," he said, his tone confident and straightforward, "would I be correct in assuming that 'Beth' is short for 'Elizabeth'?"
She straightened up slightly and smiled at him. "Um, yes! You're exactly correct," she said. "A-although I guess, when you think about it, there aren't really many other names that Beth is short for, are there? But still you never know so I understand why you asked."
At this point, Drake was starting to suspect that the stream of ongoing mindless chatter from her was an intentional front. He narrowed his eyes slightly, but gave no other sign of suspicion. "Riiiiight. So, moving on, do you happen to have a middle name?"
Beth looked at him in surprise for a second, and he was just wondering if he'd pushed too far too fast and given himself away, when she blushed a little. "W-well, it's Marilynn, actually."
"Marilyn? Like Marilyn Monroe, huh?"
"Yes, exactly! Only it's spelled with two 'n's at the end so it's not exactly the same - b-but you're not interested in how I spell a name I never even use," she finished, chuckling nervously.
"On the contrary," he said, making a mental note of this information, "I am interested. *Very* interested."
Beth leaned forward, again looking surprised and pleased. "R-really?"
"Oh yes," Drake answered. He leaned forward as well, and propped himself up on one elbow against the couch. "Do tell me more about yourself, Ms. Webfoot... Favourite colour, favourite animal... where you grew up... any prior police records..."
She laughed, presumably at the last one, and went on to tell him everything. In great, extensive detail. Over the course of fifteen minutes he learned a whole lot about very little, mainly - despite his efforts at steering the conversation - about her background in retail. She probably *was* onto him.
After answering two or three questions and then devolving into a rambling monologue that seemed to be mostly about her boss, Beth failed to make any point that Drake could identify. He was stuck nodding, uttering the occasional "Uh-huh" and "Absolutely", and ultimately feeling his eyes glazing over. Was it just possible that she didn't actually notice the effect she was having? After all, the Muddlefoots were the much the same... But this would be such an effective form of torture that it just raised Drake's suspicions even more.
"...And Henny said that it wasn't worth chasing him down over 21 cents, and I guess she's probably right, but it was just going to stay with me all day if I hadn't given him the correct change and really, you know, what if he'd come back and been upset that I'd given him the wrong amount? I know, I know, it's less than a quarter but you never do know, but then Henny said that I'd wasted company time going after him once he'd left the store, and I just thought, it's like I can't win either way, you know? Should I give him his money, should I let him leave, do you know that song 'Should I Stay or Should I Go?' It's by the Clash, and I don't normally like that kind of music but I heard it once on the radio and I thought 'Oh my gosh, that's ME' because it basically goes -"
"What?" Drake said suddenly, as if in response to something. Beth fell silent instantly. He sat up straight, looking like he was listening to something, then called "Be right there!" and turned back to Beth. "Sorry, I think I'm needed in the kitchen. Y'know, you should probably go upstairs and check on Gos and her homework, really enjoyed the chat and I hope we can do this again next year!"
"Oh - yes, me too, we could... um...thanks!" She was just trailing off as he left the room, escaping through the door into the safe haven of his kitchen.
The only person there was Launchpad, who had definitely not called him, but Drake was reasonably sure that - despite his partiality to Beth - he could count on some backup from his sidekick in this case.
"Hey DW - hot dogs are just about done," Launchpad announced, being in charge of dinner for the evening. "You want anything on it?"
"Make me one with everything, LP," said Drake, sinking wearily into the chair at the kitchen table, "I earned it."
"Really? Whatja do?" Launchpad asked as he retrieved about five different bottles and jars from the fridge, then piled them onto the counter next to the bag of hot dog rolls.
Drake let his head rest in his hand, as though he were trying to massage his brain back to life. "Just had a full interview with you-know-who out there, to try to get some more information to go on."
Launchpad rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "DW, for the last time, she's NOT a bad guy!" He checked the hot dogs, turned down the flame underneath the burner, and then addressed Drake again. "You're wastin' a lot of energy on nothin'!"
"I beg to differ," Drake said flatly. "If *she's* harmless, then Dr. Slug should be celebrated as a philanthropist. I just spent twenty minutes listening to her go on, and I'm telling you LP, there is *evil* underneath that drab exterior. There has to be, because nobody can actually be that *boring*."
Launchpad frowned, his expression indicating a bit more displeasure than before. "That's not -" The next word, Drake was sure, would have been either "nice" or "fair"; Launchpad was a staunch defender of Beth, and he seemed to share Gizmoduck's idealistic beliefs that "fair" applied outside to life outside of the playground. But the sentence was never finished, because as he was speaking the words, Launchpad's eyes skipped from Drake to something behind him, and he bit off his comment.
Drake swallowed, and reluctantly turned in his seat; Beth was standing in the doorway, her hand clutching the frame in a manner that suggested she was keeping herself upright this way, but although there was a slight blush on her cheeks, her face was almost impassive. There was absolutely no doubt that she'd heard his last comment; the only thing uncertain was just how much she *had* heard.
An awkward moment fell among the three of them, and Drake shifted guiltily in his seat. As Beth turned her attention toward the ground, Drake returned his to the kitchen table. The tension between them was almost palpable. He had to say something - he knew that - but nothing that came into his head seemed right. In books and TV shows, a person overhearing others talking about them just left - usually without anyone even knowing they'd been there. Naturally, Beth was just *standing* there, like she was waiting for something.
Waiting - or maybe completely aware of how awkward her presence was making things. Maybe this was *intentional*. He reminded himself that Beth was no ordinary babysitter (or hardware clerk or whatever she called herself) - and, depending on how much she'd overheard, it was possibly that she knew that *he* knew.
With his mind racing this way, Drake almost didn't notice when Launchpad broke the silence that had built up around them. With a forceful cheerfulness, Launchpad said loudly, "Oh, hi Beth! Uh, so, how's it goin'?"
It was an incredibly lame attempt to pretend nothing had happened, but at the same time, Drake realized that might be the best way to go. At best she might believe it, and at worst, she might not know that they knew that she knew they knew. Wait - Drake frowned to himself. Was that right...?
Beth, meanwhile, answered in a weak voice. "Oh... um... g-good. I-I guess."
"Yeah? Great! Me too. So, uh... lookin' forward to babysittin' tonight?"
"Um..." Beth's voice shook, and grew quieter. "I-I think m-maybe I should... go home..."
Drake fought down another surge of guilt by reminding himself that he was being manipulated by a diabolical genius. If he turned to face her, he might lose his resolve; much better for him to avoid eye contact.
Launchpad reacted strongly, which did not surprise Drake. "No, don't go! Look, Beth, you didn't hear what you thought you heard. Drake didn't mean - well..." He looked beseechingly to Drake, who shook his head slightly in an effort to convey his suspicions. Launchpad's eyebrows went up in surprise for a moment, then knitted together slightly.
From the doorway, Beth said, "I-I'm sorry..."
Distracted from Drake, Launchpad looked at her swiftly. "*You* don't have to apologize!" he said, an edge of something unspoken creeping into his voice. "C'mon Drake," he said imploringly.
It figured: Launchpad *would* end up buying the act of the damsel in distress and forget to pay attention to the guy with the crimefighter's instincts. Drake grit his teeth together and tried to make eye contact so that he could get it through to Launchpad that they were being played, but it was no good; his sidekick was too distracted, and just kept looking back and forth between them. Drake was well aware that he'd have to say *something*, in any case, but without advance communication, Launchpad probably wasn't going to like it. Still, it had to be done.
Stiff-shouldered, Drake turned partially towards Beth and said, "I'm sorry you had to hear that."
"Um, okay," Beth said in a near-whisper. Drake couldn't see her well from his angle, but she appeared to be talking to the doorframe. She started to slip out of his line of vision. "Um, I'll just... um..."
There was a loud *bang* on the table in front of him, and Drake jumped in surprise and looked up to see Launchpad staring at him. No - *glaring*. Drake was taken too much aback to do any more than blink for a moment, during which time Launchpad said, "What kinda apology was *that*?"
"It was-" began Drake, who wasn't about to take this kind of situation from his own sidekick; but Beth managed to cut through his voice despite the softness of her tone.
"No, no, it's okay - he doesn't have to apologize at all!" She looked from Drake to Launchpad, both of whose attention was firmly on her, and she took a timid step back. "I'm... I'm fine," she said tremulously. "He didn't do anything... wrong."
Ignoring Drake for a moment, Launchpad stepped toward her and took her by the hand, drawing her into the room. "Wait here a sec," he said, his voice growing quiet, and then he surprised Drake again by putting a hand to her cheek, just for a moment, as she cast her eyes downwards again. "Don't go anywhere, okay?" She nodded, still looking at the floor.
Then Launchpad turned back to Drake, and said, "I gotta talk to you." There was unmistakably no room for argument in his tone, and although Drake didn't intend to let Launchpad start ordering him around, he did feel it was utterly imperative to avoid any sign of dissension in front of Beth.
Coolly, he replied, "Fine. Ms. Webfoot," he said politely as he got to his feet, "please excuse us for a moment." Launchpad had already started for the living room, so Drake stepped out after him. Once they'd cleared the door, Drake began, "Okay, listen LP-"
"What's your *problem* with her?!" Launchpad asked, spinning to face Drake and pointing a finger decisively in his direction.
Drake was taken aback, and for a moment all he could do was stare at his sidekick, blinking and frowning as his temper flared in the face of this unfair accusation. Launchpad seemed to be waiting for an actual answer, so a few moments passed before Drake recovered enough to answer. "What is *that* supposed to mean?"
"You know what it means, DW. You haven't given her a chance even once since you've met her. An' now you've really hurt her feelings, and for what? What'd she *do*?"
"Don't fall for that sweet and innocent routine, Launchpad - that woman is-"
"No she's *NOT*!" Again, Drake stopped cold, because talks with Launchpad just were not supposed to go this way. Launchpad didn't cut him off, he didn't yell, and he didn't question Darkwing Duck's instincts. All these things together were such unexplored territory with the pilot that Drake found himself getting equally angry and unnerved. Launchpad lowered his voice and continued, but the anger remained audible. "You don't have any proof about that, you just decided it an' you're stickin' with it 'cause it's easier than admittin' that you're bein' a jerk!"
"YOU don't have any proof that she's NOT a supervillain!" Drake shot back, maintaining the same high-intensity, low-volume tone as Launchpad, as he bristled over the term 'jerk'. "All *you* have is a 'gut feeling', so don't give me this baloney about believing what I want to believe! I'M the one with the hero's instincts here, *sidekick*!"
"Yeah, but if you knew her..."
"Oh, give me a break. Just because you see someone for ten minutes at a time every couple of weeks doesn't make you bosom companions. Why do you even care?"
Frowning, Launchpad pointed again, this time at the kitchen door. "Because maybe you didn't notice, or maybe you just don't care, but she *likes* you. She's a good person, but she's shy, an' she's tryin' every day to get you to notice her just a little bit but all you ever do is complain about her an' accuse her of stuff."
"And that's another thing!" Drake said angrily, refusing to quail under this list of inaccuracies, "*she* barely knows *me*. Why should she care enough to try to get me to notice her? Unless she has ulterior motives, that's why!"
"Or maybe she's just *nice!*" Launchpad shouted, and then stepped back, shutting his mouth again. He crossed his arms. "Look DW - just look at it this way. If you don't believe she's innocent, then pretend for a sec that ya do. Pretend she's just an ordinary lady, who never dealt with supervillains or any'a that stuff before. Now think about how much she's been through the past coupla weeks. She's been robbed, stalked, kidnapped, an' she's babysat for Gosalyn five times now. And she keeps comin' back."
Drake had to pause and concede that this was, indeed, a lot for your average non-superheroic citizen. "But nobody's *making* her."
"Exactly," said Launchpad emphatically.
"Sooooo, doesn't that make you *suspicious*?" Drake let the statement hang in the air for a moment, certain that the implications would finally sink in.
Instead Launchpad shook his head. "No. It makes me think she's lonely."
And then *that* statement hung in the air, and sank in.
But... *no*. Just because she'd won over Launchpad - and really, who had doubted that she'd win over Launchpad? She'd had her hooks in him for weeks now - didn't mean that Drake would let this faulty logic win him over as well. His family, and perhaps the entire city, were at stake.... They *had* to be.
Seeing he wasn't going to win Launchpad over with any grandscale arguments (and unable to think of any more at this point anyway), he averted his eyes and grumbled, "Look, she wasn't even supposed to hear that anyway."
"Well, she did," Launchpad said. "An' you're just makin' excuses now 'cause you feel bad."
He was *not*. Frowning, Drake said, "I am *not*. She needs to learn not to come bursting into someone else's kitchen. Maybe she can use this as an object lesson."
(Not the end of the scene, just the end of what I have written. ^_^)
So I'm weak-willed, and thus I'm going to break down and post the scene I've been working on for TWC3's rewrite. It may or may not be the opening to the fic - I haven't decided yet - and it's unbeta'd, but what the heck; it's going to be at least another 3-4 months before I start posting this. :)
SPOILERS ahead if you have not read the original versions! (Why do I bother doing this?) If you haven't read them and don't want to be spoiled, or if you want to wait until after reading the rewrite of TWC2, or have some other reason you want to avoid spoilers, read no further on this entry!
As an aside, I'm wondering if I ought to transport this blog over to Dreamwidth or something, so that I can use cut-tags. I miss cut-tags on this format. ANYway!
A little context for people who aren't familiar with the original version, but want to read onward anyway. In my initial version I reached a point where LP and DW "needed" (in my mind) to come to odds over Beth. Mmm, that's good drama! Well, I actually still feel that way - for one thing, DW is just nasty to her sometimes, and someone needs to defend the poor kid. For another, it's... well, it's still good drama. If done right anyway.
For quite some time though I was worried about writing it - as much as I wanted to do it, I had no idea how to do it without just making it go overboard... How not to make Drake look like an unforgivable jerk, how to keep LP in character, how not to make Beth look like OMGPOORABUSEDBETH!... well, a few weeks ago I was walking from the bus stop to work and a little scene popped into my head and I realized it would work. I could've written it in like three days but it was RIGHT the day before we left to go on vacation to Canada. I worked on it a little while we were there but the distraction level was high. So it's taken me a while to get as far as I have... which isn't all that far... but it's something! Oh, the spoilers are pretty mild; mostly they allude to the fact that Beth gets kidnapped by Bushroot in TWC2, and this together with her being followed by Megavolt convinces Darkwing that she's actually a villainess in disguise. (new twist. *G*)
One last note: I was going to wait on this but I've been getting antsy because of the new comic. I haven't read a single panel of it, and I realized it could be a "game-changer" or something. Well, I tend to get paranoid about my canon, not because I need it to come true but because I don't want to be hugely contradicting something that is now the NEW, ACTUAL canon. Plus the general zeitgeist of DWD right now just makes me want to write a LOT and put it out there. I wish I was connecting better with the public, but at least I'm writing; that's making me happy. :)
So! No further ado; here's the scene in question. I will love any feedback I get!
There are many ways in which a hero can protect his city.
The most obvious way, of course, is to defeat the denizens of darkness as they come forward, deducing their diabolical intentions and nullifying the nefarious nogoodniks before they can bring their plans to fruition. After a lifetime of experience, Darkwing Duck had mastered this ability and could do it in his sleep. In fact, he had, but that was another story.
A lesser-known protection, however, is the dedication to constant vigilance. Constant vigilance is what allows the very best heroes to not only thwart the very worst plans of the very worst villains as they unfold, but to act preemptively, eliminating threats before they have a chance to strike. Constant vigilance is the way in which the very best vigilantes monitor potential subjects and catch them *before* they are able to perpetrate any wrongdoing.
Constant vigilance, and a healthy dose of intuition, are among the weapons at the disposal of the peak heroes of the world - the creme de la creme, if you will.
Darkwing Duck's intuition had led him to watch a certain newcomer into his life very closely. He was, in fact, ready to place her on the "constant vigilance" list. At first glance, Beth Webfoot was harmless: shy, bespectacled, and interested only in hardware and the occasional babysitting gig. But after a series of odd events, all of which had seemed to involve her in one way or another, Darkwing's intuition had begun to tell him that this woman needed watching.
She seemed to attract supervillains like a magnet, for one thing. There was that, which of itself was suspicious, but add to it the fact that she was worming her way into his family life... coincidence? How big of a coincidence would it have to be for an honestly harmless woman to meet him, get hired to babysit his daughter, and via totally-unrelated means bump into not one but *two* of his most dangerous arch-enemies?
That would be one big coincidence, Darkwing believed. Too big.
Plus there was something about her that just *bugged* him.
A generic background search hadn't turned up any information, and as a result Gosalyn and Launchpad were telling him he was being irrational. So, all that meant was that Beth Webfoot was very, very crafty - and probably using an alias. He'd have to probe deeper.
Some might say that it was faulty logic for Darkwing Duck to allow a suspected supervillain to babysit his daughter several nights a week, but Darkwing believed in the wise old adage, "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer." He was on guard, and so he didn't believe Gosalyn was in any genuine danger. From what he could see, Beth was sounding him out as much as he was sounding her out. He was confident that he'd be able to track her movements well enough to know before she was about to strike.
Meanwhile, he had the advantage: surprise, and foreknowledge. She clearly had no idea that he knew, and while he was being cagey, he could also play her like a fiddle and find out whatever he needed to know.
It was a Wednesday night when he decided to gather information. If the preliminary background check had failed, he would just have to get as much on her as he could, and look at it from every angle. With that in mind, in his Drake Mallard guise, he sat himself down next to her on the couch and began.
"So, Ms. Webfoot," he said, his tone confident and straightforward, "would I be correct in assuming that 'Beth' is short for 'Elizabeth'?"
She straightened up slightly and smiled at him. "Um, yes! You're exactly correct," she said. "A-although I guess, when you think about it, there aren't really many other names that Beth is short for, are there? But still you never know so I understand why you asked."
At this point, Drake was starting to suspect that the stream of ongoing mindless chatter from her was an intentional front. He narrowed his eyes slightly, but gave no other sign of suspicion. "Riiiiight. So, moving on, do you happen to have a middle name?"
Beth looked at him in surprise for a second, and he was just wondering if he'd pushed too far too fast and given himself away, when she blushed a little. "W-well, it's Marilynn, actually."
"Marilyn? Like Marilyn Monroe, huh?"
"Yes, exactly! Only it's spelled with two 'n's at the end so it's not exactly the same - b-but you're not interested in how I spell a name I never even use," she finished, chuckling nervously.
"On the contrary," he said, making a mental note of this information, "I am interested. *Very* interested."
Beth leaned forward, again looking surprised and pleased. "R-really?"
"Oh yes," Drake answered. He leaned forward as well, and propped himself up on one elbow against the couch. "Do tell me more about yourself, Ms. Webfoot... Favourite colour, favourite animal... where you grew up... any prior police records..."
She laughed, presumably at the last one, and went on to tell him everything. In great, extensive detail. Over the course of fifteen minutes he learned a whole lot about very little, mainly - despite his efforts at steering the conversation - about her background in retail. She probably *was* onto him.
After answering two or three questions and then devolving into a rambling monologue that seemed to be mostly about her boss, Beth failed to make any point that Drake could identify. He was stuck nodding, uttering the occasional "Uh-huh" and "Absolutely", and ultimately feeling his eyes glazing over. Was it just possible that she didn't actually notice the effect she was having? After all, the Muddlefoots were the much the same... But this would be such an effective form of torture that it just raised Drake's suspicions even more.
"...And Henny said that it wasn't worth chasing him down over 21 cents, and I guess she's probably right, but it was just going to stay with me all day if I hadn't given him the correct change and really, you know, what if he'd come back and been upset that I'd given him the wrong amount? I know, I know, it's less than a quarter but you never do know, but then Henny said that I'd wasted company time going after him once he'd left the store, and I just thought, it's like I can't win either way, you know? Should I give him his money, should I let him leave, do you know that song 'Should I Stay or Should I Go?' It's by the Clash, and I don't normally like that kind of music but I heard it once on the radio and I thought 'Oh my gosh, that's ME' because it basically goes -"
"What?" Drake said suddenly, as if in response to something. Beth fell silent instantly. He sat up straight, looking like he was listening to something, then called "Be right there!" and turned back to Beth. "Sorry, I think I'm needed in the kitchen. Y'know, you should probably go upstairs and check on Gos and her homework, really enjoyed the chat and I hope we can do this again next year!"
"Oh - yes, me too, we could... um...thanks!" She was just trailing off as he left the room, escaping through the door into the safe haven of his kitchen.
The only person there was Launchpad, who had definitely not called him, but Drake was reasonably sure that - despite his partiality to Beth - he could count on some backup from his sidekick in this case.
"Hey DW - hot dogs are just about done," Launchpad announced, being in charge of dinner for the evening. "You want anything on it?"
"Make me one with everything, LP," said Drake, sinking wearily into the chair at the kitchen table, "I earned it."
"Really? Whatja do?" Launchpad asked as he retrieved about five different bottles and jars from the fridge, then piled them onto the counter next to the bag of hot dog rolls.
Drake let his head rest in his hand, as though he were trying to massage his brain back to life. "Just had a full interview with you-know-who out there, to try to get some more information to go on."
Launchpad rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "DW, for the last time, she's NOT a bad guy!" He checked the hot dogs, turned down the flame underneath the burner, and then addressed Drake again. "You're wastin' a lot of energy on nothin'!"
"I beg to differ," Drake said flatly. "If *she's* harmless, then Dr. Slug should be celebrated as a philanthropist. I just spent twenty minutes listening to her go on, and I'm telling you LP, there is *evil* underneath that drab exterior. There has to be, because nobody can actually be that *boring*."
Launchpad frowned, his expression indicating a bit more displeasure than before. "That's not -" The next word, Drake was sure, would have been either "nice" or "fair"; Launchpad was a staunch defender of Beth, and he seemed to share Gizmoduck's idealistic beliefs that "fair" applied outside to life outside of the playground. But the sentence was never finished, because as he was speaking the words, Launchpad's eyes skipped from Drake to something behind him, and he bit off his comment.
Drake swallowed, and reluctantly turned in his seat; Beth was standing in the doorway, her hand clutching the frame in a manner that suggested she was keeping herself upright this way, but although there was a slight blush on her cheeks, her face was almost impassive. There was absolutely no doubt that she'd heard his last comment; the only thing uncertain was just how much she *had* heard.
An awkward moment fell among the three of them, and Drake shifted guiltily in his seat. As Beth turned her attention toward the ground, Drake returned his to the kitchen table. The tension between them was almost palpable. He had to say something - he knew that - but nothing that came into his head seemed right. In books and TV shows, a person overhearing others talking about them just left - usually without anyone even knowing they'd been there. Naturally, Beth was just *standing* there, like she was waiting for something.
Waiting - or maybe completely aware of how awkward her presence was making things. Maybe this was *intentional*. He reminded himself that Beth was no ordinary babysitter (or hardware clerk or whatever she called herself) - and, depending on how much she'd overheard, it was possibly that she knew that *he* knew.
With his mind racing this way, Drake almost didn't notice when Launchpad broke the silence that had built up around them. With a forceful cheerfulness, Launchpad said loudly, "Oh, hi Beth! Uh, so, how's it goin'?"
It was an incredibly lame attempt to pretend nothing had happened, but at the same time, Drake realized that might be the best way to go. At best she might believe it, and at worst, she might not know that they knew that she knew they knew. Wait - Drake frowned to himself. Was that right...?
Beth, meanwhile, answered in a weak voice. "Oh... um... g-good. I-I guess."
"Yeah? Great! Me too. So, uh... lookin' forward to babysittin' tonight?"
"Um..." Beth's voice shook, and grew quieter. "I-I think m-maybe I should... go home..."
Drake fought down another surge of guilt by reminding himself that he was being manipulated by a diabolical genius. If he turned to face her, he might lose his resolve; much better for him to avoid eye contact.
Launchpad reacted strongly, which did not surprise Drake. "No, don't go! Look, Beth, you didn't hear what you thought you heard. Drake didn't mean - well..." He looked beseechingly to Drake, who shook his head slightly in an effort to convey his suspicions. Launchpad's eyebrows went up in surprise for a moment, then knitted together slightly.
From the doorway, Beth said, "I-I'm sorry..."
Distracted from Drake, Launchpad looked at her swiftly. "*You* don't have to apologize!" he said, an edge of something unspoken creeping into his voice. "C'mon Drake," he said imploringly.
It figured: Launchpad *would* end up buying the act of the damsel in distress and forget to pay attention to the guy with the crimefighter's instincts. Drake grit his teeth together and tried to make eye contact so that he could get it through to Launchpad that they were being played, but it was no good; his sidekick was too distracted, and just kept looking back and forth between them. Drake was well aware that he'd have to say *something*, in any case, but without advance communication, Launchpad probably wasn't going to like it. Still, it had to be done.
Stiff-shouldered, Drake turned partially towards Beth and said, "I'm sorry you had to hear that."
"Um, okay," Beth said in a near-whisper. Drake couldn't see her well from his angle, but she appeared to be talking to the doorframe. She started to slip out of his line of vision. "Um, I'll just... um..."
There was a loud *bang* on the table in front of him, and Drake jumped in surprise and looked up to see Launchpad staring at him. No - *glaring*. Drake was taken too much aback to do any more than blink for a moment, during which time Launchpad said, "What kinda apology was *that*?"
"It was-" began Drake, who wasn't about to take this kind of situation from his own sidekick; but Beth managed to cut through his voice despite the softness of her tone.
"No, no, it's okay - he doesn't have to apologize at all!" She looked from Drake to Launchpad, both of whose attention was firmly on her, and she took a timid step back. "I'm... I'm fine," she said tremulously. "He didn't do anything... wrong."
Ignoring Drake for a moment, Launchpad stepped toward her and took her by the hand, drawing her into the room. "Wait here a sec," he said, his voice growing quiet, and then he surprised Drake again by putting a hand to her cheek, just for a moment, as she cast her eyes downwards again. "Don't go anywhere, okay?" She nodded, still looking at the floor.
Then Launchpad turned back to Drake, and said, "I gotta talk to you." There was unmistakably no room for argument in his tone, and although Drake didn't intend to let Launchpad start ordering him around, he did feel it was utterly imperative to avoid any sign of dissension in front of Beth.
Coolly, he replied, "Fine. Ms. Webfoot," he said politely as he got to his feet, "please excuse us for a moment." Launchpad had already started for the living room, so Drake stepped out after him. Once they'd cleared the door, Drake began, "Okay, listen LP-"
"What's your *problem* with her?!" Launchpad asked, spinning to face Drake and pointing a finger decisively in his direction.
Drake was taken aback, and for a moment all he could do was stare at his sidekick, blinking and frowning as his temper flared in the face of this unfair accusation. Launchpad seemed to be waiting for an actual answer, so a few moments passed before Drake recovered enough to answer. "What is *that* supposed to mean?"
"You know what it means, DW. You haven't given her a chance even once since you've met her. An' now you've really hurt her feelings, and for what? What'd she *do*?"
"Don't fall for that sweet and innocent routine, Launchpad - that woman is-"
"No she's *NOT*!" Again, Drake stopped cold, because talks with Launchpad just were not supposed to go this way. Launchpad didn't cut him off, he didn't yell, and he didn't question Darkwing Duck's instincts. All these things together were such unexplored territory with the pilot that Drake found himself getting equally angry and unnerved. Launchpad lowered his voice and continued, but the anger remained audible. "You don't have any proof about that, you just decided it an' you're stickin' with it 'cause it's easier than admittin' that you're bein' a jerk!"
"YOU don't have any proof that she's NOT a supervillain!" Drake shot back, maintaining the same high-intensity, low-volume tone as Launchpad, as he bristled over the term 'jerk'. "All *you* have is a 'gut feeling', so don't give me this baloney about believing what I want to believe! I'M the one with the hero's instincts here, *sidekick*!"
"Yeah, but if you knew her..."
"Oh, give me a break. Just because you see someone for ten minutes at a time every couple of weeks doesn't make you bosom companions. Why do you even care?"
Frowning, Launchpad pointed again, this time at the kitchen door. "Because maybe you didn't notice, or maybe you just don't care, but she *likes* you. She's a good person, but she's shy, an' she's tryin' every day to get you to notice her just a little bit but all you ever do is complain about her an' accuse her of stuff."
"And that's another thing!" Drake said angrily, refusing to quail under this list of inaccuracies, "*she* barely knows *me*. Why should she care enough to try to get me to notice her? Unless she has ulterior motives, that's why!"
"Or maybe she's just *nice!*" Launchpad shouted, and then stepped back, shutting his mouth again. He crossed his arms. "Look DW - just look at it this way. If you don't believe she's innocent, then pretend for a sec that ya do. Pretend she's just an ordinary lady, who never dealt with supervillains or any'a that stuff before. Now think about how much she's been through the past coupla weeks. She's been robbed, stalked, kidnapped, an' she's babysat for Gosalyn five times now. And she keeps comin' back."
Drake had to pause and concede that this was, indeed, a lot for your average non-superheroic citizen. "But nobody's *making* her."
"Exactly," said Launchpad emphatically.
"Sooooo, doesn't that make you *suspicious*?" Drake let the statement hang in the air for a moment, certain that the implications would finally sink in.
Instead Launchpad shook his head. "No. It makes me think she's lonely."
And then *that* statement hung in the air, and sank in.
But... *no*. Just because she'd won over Launchpad - and really, who had doubted that she'd win over Launchpad? She'd had her hooks in him for weeks now - didn't mean that Drake would let this faulty logic win him over as well. His family, and perhaps the entire city, were at stake.... They *had* to be.
Seeing he wasn't going to win Launchpad over with any grandscale arguments (and unable to think of any more at this point anyway), he averted his eyes and grumbled, "Look, she wasn't even supposed to hear that anyway."
"Well, she did," Launchpad said. "An' you're just makin' excuses now 'cause you feel bad."
He was *not*. Frowning, Drake said, "I am *not*. She needs to learn not to come bursting into someone else's kitchen. Maybe she can use this as an object lesson."
(Not the end of the scene, just the end of what I have written. ^_^)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Yo yo folks, what up.
I had to delete the extra "u" after both of those "yo"s, btw. Creature of habit when I type.
Anyway, earlier I'd thought I could make a nice long blog post but THAT didn't happen. Right now I have developed a cold, and although so far it's just a runny nose, this nose happens to be running like a faucet and it just doesn't stop. But my nose isn't stuffed at all, it's just runny. UGH. Oh well, I'd be just as uncomfortable if it were not runny, but stuffed. What can I ask for here? If I'm sick, I'm sick, I guess.
So here's the schedule I want to set myself for the next little while, on what I want to work on:
1) Rewriting TWC2. Deadline: end of the year. This is heavily reliant on my actually managing to set up my personal computer in my bedroom since we moved at the end of last month; we don't have a chair for the desk up there yet. I will also need to finish at least the first two, if not all three, chapters of the first act by the end of this month. On the plus side, I have a good deal of chapter 1 done, perhaps half of chapter 2, and an idea for how chapter 3 is going to go. Plus! I think I have Act II more or less mapped in my head. So yay!
2) Once that's done, I'm going to start the next fic to follow after "House on Avian Way", which is tentatively called "Those Daring McQuacks In Their Flying Machines". Yep, and that will be fun to type out a million times, huh? So you can get a pretty decent idea of the vague premise of this one out of hte title. I'm going to have to research it (which should give you a confirmation of what at least some of it is about). ^_^ It should be short - shortish anyway - lordie, I hope... I don't have it all plotted in my head but there's enough to give me a start and some momentum.
3) At the same time I think I'm going to try to work on rewriting TWC3, "Forever Young". That one had a decent plot for Quackerjack but needs some reworking in terms of specifics. If you've read my first fics, have you noticed how nebulous I always left the villain's plots? It wasn't until I was well into my twenties that I started thinking actual solid plans were important. Yeah well. At least I care now. ;) Funnily enough I've started the opening scene for this one, since I had an idea on something I had been worrying over and thinking would require a lot of work to rewrite. And then it just came to me! I'm still a bit concerned it's not quite right but... yknow, it's going to be like six months at least until anyone else sees it, so...
Then again I could always preview it here...
Which would mean it would still be six months until anyone else sees it. XD (No, hi, I know there are like... two or three people who read this occasionally! I should make badges for you so you can recognize each other on the streets.)
4) It's not likely to happen but I would love to be able to work on my second Christmas fic, which I've been kidding myself since 2007 that I would finish up each and every year. Here it is nearing year 4!
All this and I'm going to keep putting up notes for AAE, too... eventually. Once again, contingent on my personal computer (right now I'm on my work laptop). But for now, it's past 10 pm, so I think it's perhaps time for bed for this girl and her drippy nasal passages. Please, please tell me I have SOME kind of cold medicine lurking in my bathroom cabinets... Otherwise I foresee an uncomfortably sniffly night ahead.:P Night, all!
I had to delete the extra "u" after both of those "yo"s, btw. Creature of habit when I type.
Anyway, earlier I'd thought I could make a nice long blog post but THAT didn't happen. Right now I have developed a cold, and although so far it's just a runny nose, this nose happens to be running like a faucet and it just doesn't stop. But my nose isn't stuffed at all, it's just runny. UGH. Oh well, I'd be just as uncomfortable if it were not runny, but stuffed. What can I ask for here? If I'm sick, I'm sick, I guess.
So here's the schedule I want to set myself for the next little while, on what I want to work on:
1) Rewriting TWC2. Deadline: end of the year. This is heavily reliant on my actually managing to set up my personal computer in my bedroom since we moved at the end of last month; we don't have a chair for the desk up there yet. I will also need to finish at least the first two, if not all three, chapters of the first act by the end of this month. On the plus side, I have a good deal of chapter 1 done, perhaps half of chapter 2, and an idea for how chapter 3 is going to go. Plus! I think I have Act II more or less mapped in my head. So yay!
2) Once that's done, I'm going to start the next fic to follow after "House on Avian Way", which is tentatively called "Those Daring McQuacks In Their Flying Machines". Yep, and that will be fun to type out a million times, huh? So you can get a pretty decent idea of the vague premise of this one out of hte title. I'm going to have to research it (which should give you a confirmation of what at least some of it is about). ^_^ It should be short - shortish anyway - lordie, I hope... I don't have it all plotted in my head but there's enough to give me a start and some momentum.
3) At the same time I think I'm going to try to work on rewriting TWC3, "Forever Young". That one had a decent plot for Quackerjack but needs some reworking in terms of specifics. If you've read my first fics, have you noticed how nebulous I always left the villain's plots? It wasn't until I was well into my twenties that I started thinking actual solid plans were important. Yeah well. At least I care now. ;) Funnily enough I've started the opening scene for this one, since I had an idea on something I had been worrying over and thinking would require a lot of work to rewrite. And then it just came to me! I'm still a bit concerned it's not quite right but... yknow, it's going to be like six months at least until anyone else sees it, so...
Then again I could always preview it here...
Which would mean it would still be six months until anyone else sees it. XD (No, hi, I know there are like... two or three people who read this occasionally! I should make badges for you so you can recognize each other on the streets.)
4) It's not likely to happen but I would love to be able to work on my second Christmas fic, which I've been kidding myself since 2007 that I would finish up each and every year. Here it is nearing year 4!
All this and I'm going to keep putting up notes for AAE, too... eventually. Once again, contingent on my personal computer (right now I'm on my work laptop). But for now, it's past 10 pm, so I think it's perhaps time for bed for this girl and her drippy nasal passages. Please, please tell me I have SOME kind of cold medicine lurking in my bathroom cabinets... Otherwise I foresee an uncomfortably sniffly night ahead.:P Night, all!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Statement of Fact
"High, Dry, and Flooded" is the best DWD fanfic I've ever written.
There's no room for debate; this is just how it is.
There will be a test later.
[PS this doesn't mean it's the best DWD fanfic ever; it's just my best. Three years already and I'm still so proud of that plot!]
There's no room for debate; this is just how it is.
There will be a test later.
[PS this doesn't mean it's the best DWD fanfic ever; it's just my best. Three years already and I'm still so proud of that plot!]
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Dangerous Radio Actors
I was going to actually title this post something about "Interactive". Then I thought of this song I heard a long time ago where this guys sings "I'm radioactive!" Then I thought I'd make a Darkwing Duck reference. So here we are.
I'll admit that right now I am posting just to keep my momentum going on posting. So I thought that, since I don't have a specific topic right now, I'd address my imaginary readers. For my next characterization post, what character would you like me to talk about? I've done DW, Launchpad, and Gosalyn; who is someone else you would like discussed? Bushroot? Honker?
I was going to just do a character from AAE, someone in Beth's family, but I didn't have a set character picked out and then I thought I'd offer folks a chance to make requests. Since this will fall flat in a big way given that no one regularly reads this and even more rarely do they comment, I'll add that you can comment ANY time on this post! Even if it's from like a year ago! Yep, it's all good.
And by the way, I think you can leave a comment without signing in or registering on I'm not for sure on it, but I think you can just enter a name. So howdy folks! Comment to me, please, because I am lonely and cold! (seriously, what the heck is up with the hyperactive air conditioning in here? I'm wrapped in a blanket, I am not kidding!)
I'll admit that right now I am posting just to keep my momentum going on posting. So I thought that, since I don't have a specific topic right now, I'd address my imaginary readers. For my next characterization post, what character would you like me to talk about? I've done DW, Launchpad, and Gosalyn; who is someone else you would like discussed? Bushroot? Honker?
I was going to just do a character from AAE, someone in Beth's family, but I didn't have a set character picked out and then I thought I'd offer folks a chance to make requests. Since this will fall flat in a big way given that no one regularly reads this and even more rarely do they comment, I'll add that you can comment ANY time on this post! Even if it's from like a year ago! Yep, it's all good.
And by the way, I think you can leave a comment without signing in or registering on I'm not for sure on it, but I think you can just enter a name. So howdy folks! Comment to me, please, because I am lonely and cold! (seriously, what the heck is up with the hyperactive air conditioning in here? I'm wrapped in a blanket, I am not kidding!)
dangerous interactivity,
request me
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Three posts in three days?! Has the world gone topsy-turvy??
Anyway I put together some authors' notes (and babbling and random stuffage) on the prologue of "All About Eve". For those following along at (which is... everyone I think, right now anyway), the prologue is chapters 1 and 2. I'm not splitting them up here, but they will probably remain separate chapters when I post them on my site, because otherwise it's a terribly long prologue.
Though I am well aware that real prologues don't have two chapters. We'll just... overlook that.
Without further ado, except to mention that I have a sore throat and it is driving me CRAZY!, here are the notes!
- Title: "All About Eve", classic Bette Davis movie; the title really has no relation to the content, it's just straightforward, all about Beth.
- "Back to the Future" - Candy's line about turning in her homework in Beth's handwriting.
- "Signs" - Tank swinging at everything during softball games. I had just rewatched the movie, so I snuck that in there. I did stop short of having Tank quote the film with "It felt wrong not to swing", though.
I have heard of situations where, to start with, an advanced kid was mistaken for a kid with a learning disability. But I think it might've been in "The Simpsons". I'm not sure that really happens but I thought Beth is so quiet that maybe even her parents would overlook the signs of advanced intelligence and focus in on the apparent problems she was having.
Writing Irene's accent is hard and I hate it. HATE HATE HATE it. I love hearing it in my head, but I hate actually writing it out. Incidentally, Irene is based on Pert Kelton's rendition of Mrs. Paroo, the irish mother of Marion from "The Music Man". She was essentially "born" that way, all the way back in '96 (yep and it's taken me this long to put her into a fic), but it was coincidence that I had Gosalyn refer to Beth as "Marion the Librarian", another "Music Man" reference, in my rewrite of TWC1.
Bug's name was going to be Herbert, until I realized that he is the *third* "Herb" in the Webfoot Weavings, after Herb Muddlefoot and Honker (whose real name is Herbert Jr). So I changed it to Henry, though I struggled with it, because I originally named him after my grandfather - first name Herbert, nicknamed "Bud".
Shout-out to referencing my own fanfics! I have a reference to TWC4 in here, which is the first episode that mentions Beth's fondness for tadpoles. This was something I guess I tossed in when I was punching it up back in '95 or so, and I forgot about it until I reread the early ones a few years ago. The "tadpoles" thing stuck with me and so I tossed it in here as a running gag, even though I never meant it to be an actual character point.
It's hard to write Beth being this miserable and this depressed, because gosh, she's like this through almost the *whole fic*. I'm not 100% sure that she's actually bearable in this story because she's just so depressed. It's hard to write, since it feels so repetitive (though it's repetitive for a reason, which I'll go into in a separate note), so I'd understand if it's hard to read.
This scene with Launchpad and Beth is so awkward. Good lord. It's even worse than I remembered. :D I actually really like the part when he tries to talk to her and she pulls her hand away. Oh, Launchpad. Also? Stupid I know, but the whole coffee thing is still cute. I love writing little moments between them, even when nothing at all happens.
I wanted to try to make sure that I got Beth's feelings as accurate as I can, and so here is some TMI. My husband and I were friends before we started dating (though not really close friends like in this situation), and he liked me before I liked him. He and I talked about it, and I said "just friends" and he said he was okay with that - although it only lasted about a week because I decided to give it a go pretty quickly :) - but for a few days things were SUPER-awkward, especially during the second half of the conversation when, it seemed, he just decided now that it was out there he'd go ahead and tell me everything, and I was like "OMG I have to get OUT OF HERE!" So anyway... Beth's discomfort and guilt are based on that, sort of, only magnified.
Sigh. True confessions: I am very, very uncomfortable writing intimate scenes. That goes for romance in particular. I like to write banter and flirtatious dialogue, I like to write introspection, I like to write silly comedy; now, technically, I like to write romance but I am very bad at it. That's why things move very slowly in my fics and that is why things tend to be very understated. There are moments within this Launchpad/Beth scene, when he's trying to talk to her, where I'm attempting to convey an intimacy between them - the kind of thing that, if you were watching it in a movie, would make you ache for the people involved and also be chanting for them to kiss one another. I honestly have no idea if I was successful or if it just falls flat. I for one feel underwhelmed and I would LOVE some feedback. But yeah, there's a big reason why there's not a lot of solid romance in my fics so far... after fifteen stories. *sigh*
On the flip side, the introspective Launchpad stuff I wrote... well I'm rereading it for the first time in like, two years, and I'm surprised to find that I like it. This stuff works for me.
Heh, random reference to "High, Dry, and Flooded" when LP passes the Muddlefoots' house: they're having their Tuo security system removed (and getting the house repaired while they're at it) after the finale of that fic. ^_^ I know I say a few paragraphs later that it's only 8:30 in the morning, which is a pretty early start time for home cleanup, but I wanted to get that gag in (but I cleverly played it down during such a deep emotional scene, becuz clever writer is clever :P)
Five points for the implication that everyone will think LP and Beth's "night together" was less than innocent!
The discussion between LP and Drake is, for once, more or less in-character (as I see it anyway). LP's mood has precedent since he can, on occasion, take things quite hard and get pretty bummed out (and when LP bums out he *really* bums out). DW of course is just being DW. God love 'im. *hugs DW*
For some reason it struck me as immensely funny that Drake woud misquote his "clever quip" from when he beat the Liquidator in the finale of HD&F. Since it's been a while since I read the original fic, though, now I'm like "WHO is going to notice that he misquoted it?" which makes it look like carelessness for anyone who DOES notice. It was on purpose! I'm totally anal about these details and I swear I wouldn't gloss over 'em... even if everyone else in the world does. XD
Hahaha. Drake is *not* a Beth/LP shipper. He's totally not *trying* to be insensitive though - in fact he's trying very hard to be the other thing, you know, UNinsensitive ;P - I've just found that, a lot of times, people just don't seem to get that the moment you've had your heart broken is NOT the right time to say "well now you can get on with your life!" (For the record, I almost certainly would totally say that to someone in these circumstances, because I am just that insensitive! No, but seriously, it's easy to forget how much it hurts when it's not happening to you.)
You can see, in a few moments of this discussion as well as later in the fic, that I was writing this and rewriting TWC1 at the same time, and I was in fact just redoing Beth's and Drake's first meeting and working on how she fell for Drake in the first place. This shows up in LP's reflection that maybe if Beth hadn't met DW at exactly the time she did, she never would've fallen for him... which is probably true. Or maybe not. But I stuck that in because I was in process of giving the newly specific details of their meeting, and it was suddenly relevant. Stuff like that pops up throughout - this fic, and TWC1, were very symbiotic and influenced each other quite a bit. Which is WEIRD, if you think about it. Parasitic. Incestuous, almost. ;P (No, not at all actually, but I was looking for a good word...)
And next we have my introduction of Beth's father and brother! I had never really fleshed them out much in my mind - aside from physical description I knew (and still know) pretty much nothing about the older brother Bill (aka "Beef"), and at the time of writing I didn't know much about Bug yet, either. I've since discovered that Bug is a loving, but mostly uninvolved father. He's just a bit too passive in the family situation and has never tried to take any stand against his very, very outspoken wife.
One quick addition, I had forgotten that I wrote this scene from Honker's perspective. I'm glad I did that even though it seems weird since I think this is basically his only scene in the fic. Still glad though. I love Honker.
Anyway I put together some authors' notes (and babbling and random stuffage) on the prologue of "All About Eve". For those following along at (which is... everyone I think, right now anyway), the prologue is chapters 1 and 2. I'm not splitting them up here, but they will probably remain separate chapters when I post them on my site, because otherwise it's a terribly long prologue.
Though I am well aware that real prologues don't have two chapters. We'll just... overlook that.
Without further ado, except to mention that I have a sore throat and it is driving me CRAZY!, here are the notes!
- Title: "All About Eve", classic Bette Davis movie; the title really has no relation to the content, it's just straightforward, all about Beth.
- "Back to the Future" - Candy's line about turning in her homework in Beth's handwriting.
- "Signs" - Tank swinging at everything during softball games. I had just rewatched the movie, so I snuck that in there. I did stop short of having Tank quote the film with "It felt wrong not to swing", though.
Friday, August 20, 2010
There Will Be Information On All About Elizabeth
I am going to post some chapter notes, the way I did with TWC1 and HoAW. And then I'll probably disappear again. :D No, but it will take a little while because I hope to do it as I code the fic for my website - I mentioned before this is an exercise in futility, because I have yet to actually finish designing the place the fics will go onto so they are never going up, but so what? - and that might take a while.
But so what!
Before I do the chapter notes, here's a post that's just about the fic in general, since I'm approaching the ending and all. It's winding down.
Basically, the fanfic ended up being about people. I knew it was character-driven but it was initially going to be about Beth (hence the title, hurr hurr); in the end it became about people, the nature of people, the fact that you never really get the whole picture on anyone and there are very few "villains". Everyone in Beth's past who seems to have wronged her has their own side and their own lives. What they're really guilty of, usually, is thinking of themselves. Which is what Beth is doing, too. So this kind of came out of nowhere, but it became a stronger and stronger theme throughout, as we looked at Beth's family and the people in her past.
The final message becomes that, for all the awful experiences that Beth has been through and all the poor treatment she's had from other people, regardless, she is the one who has created her life by choosing to make the decisions she has. (You can tell I've reached a philosophy of 'owning your own life' over the past few years, huh?) As appropriate, as I go through with the chapter notes, I'll hopefully dedicate a post or two to some of the original characters in this fanfic.
By the way, one character from Beth's past will return! (Or, wait, two - Ariana will, at least I hope - but one other will too! WHICH ONE? I will not tell! Speculate!)
Other themes: I chose "Stuck In a Moment You Can't Get Out Of" as the theme for Beth's depression. As I view it, she's dwelling on this one moment and experience, unable to let it go, until in the end she realizes life goes on and everything passes. As with many things I've written, this is a realization I've had myself. I like that U2 song a lot, and I love the sort of epiphany at the end of the song. Anyway, this led to the fic being rather repetitive, intentionally so, because despite all of Beth's efforts she couldn't get past the rejection from Drake and the discussion with Launchpad. I *have* found that in depression you can't think of the future, you can only think of where you are right then and feel like it's going to go on forever, so the U2 song is a fantastic representation of that. (It helps that it was written *about* precisely that topic.)
Another theme that came out - I've mentioned this before, but I didn't go into this series thinking of Beth as having trust issues. When the idea occurred to me, I didn't resist it the way that Beth did, but I didn't realize how true it clearly was until I had really thought about it. Once I did, I went "Oh my god, of COURSE she does!" She always has. Weird, huh? I realized I'd never written her as speaking openly about herself, I've left her very private, and very, very unwilling to believe that people like her. I didn't associate that with a trust problem though until I thought about it in those terms. Then I realized it explained a huge amount, including the mystery of why she would remain blind to Launchpad for so long, and why she would *continue* to feel that way.
I think that about covers it, my dears; specifics will show up in each chapter note post.
Oh! Last thing! Beth's parents are both homages to my maternal grandparents, both of whom passed away during the writing of this monster fic. I created both of them way back in 1996, and it took me this long to get them into a fic! Anyway, Bug, Beth's father, was named for my grandfather Bud. His real name was Herbert but he was Bud pretty much his whole life. I changed Bud to Bug first, then had to come up with a reason he'd be called that; this led to his being a camera enthusiast, nicknamed "shutterbug" or "Bug" for short. I did initially name him Herbert, but then realized that made him the third Herbert in the Webfoot Weavings (after Herb Muddlefoot and Honker), so the name was changed. His personality is not largely drawn from my grandfather, who was much more of a character than Bug, but the inspiration was still there. My grandfather died on April 2nd, 2009.
Irene Webfoot was not named after my grandmother (Thelma), nor is my grandmother Irish. But she did call us "me darlin'", and although nothing solidly inspired her character, I think there's a little of my grandmother in there somewhere. I won't say where. Most everything you'd think it was, is not. :) She died April 4th, 2010. I'm not dedicating this fanfic to them, because neither of them even knew it existed, and I'm not sure what either of them would think. But I am using it to remember them, anyway.
But so what!
Before I do the chapter notes, here's a post that's just about the fic in general, since I'm approaching the ending and all. It's winding down.
Basically, the fanfic ended up being about people. I knew it was character-driven but it was initially going to be about Beth (hence the title, hurr hurr); in the end it became about people, the nature of people, the fact that you never really get the whole picture on anyone and there are very few "villains". Everyone in Beth's past who seems to have wronged her has their own side and their own lives. What they're really guilty of, usually, is thinking of themselves. Which is what Beth is doing, too. So this kind of came out of nowhere, but it became a stronger and stronger theme throughout, as we looked at Beth's family and the people in her past.
The final message becomes that, for all the awful experiences that Beth has been through and all the poor treatment she's had from other people, regardless, she is the one who has created her life by choosing to make the decisions she has. (You can tell I've reached a philosophy of 'owning your own life' over the past few years, huh?) As appropriate, as I go through with the chapter notes, I'll hopefully dedicate a post or two to some of the original characters in this fanfic.
By the way, one character from Beth's past will return! (Or, wait, two - Ariana will, at least I hope - but one other will too! WHICH ONE? I will not tell! Speculate!)
Other themes: I chose "Stuck In a Moment You Can't Get Out Of" as the theme for Beth's depression. As I view it, she's dwelling on this one moment and experience, unable to let it go, until in the end she realizes life goes on and everything passes. As with many things I've written, this is a realization I've had myself. I like that U2 song a lot, and I love the sort of epiphany at the end of the song. Anyway, this led to the fic being rather repetitive, intentionally so, because despite all of Beth's efforts she couldn't get past the rejection from Drake and the discussion with Launchpad. I *have* found that in depression you can't think of the future, you can only think of where you are right then and feel like it's going to go on forever, so the U2 song is a fantastic representation of that. (It helps that it was written *about* precisely that topic.)
Another theme that came out - I've mentioned this before, but I didn't go into this series thinking of Beth as having trust issues. When the idea occurred to me, I didn't resist it the way that Beth did, but I didn't realize how true it clearly was until I had really thought about it. Once I did, I went "Oh my god, of COURSE she does!" She always has. Weird, huh? I realized I'd never written her as speaking openly about herself, I've left her very private, and very, very unwilling to believe that people like her. I didn't associate that with a trust problem though until I thought about it in those terms. Then I realized it explained a huge amount, including the mystery of why she would remain blind to Launchpad for so long, and why she would *continue* to feel that way.
I think that about covers it, my dears; specifics will show up in each chapter note post.
Oh! Last thing! Beth's parents are both homages to my maternal grandparents, both of whom passed away during the writing of this monster fic. I created both of them way back in 1996, and it took me this long to get them into a fic! Anyway, Bug, Beth's father, was named for my grandfather Bud. His real name was Herbert but he was Bud pretty much his whole life. I changed Bud to Bug first, then had to come up with a reason he'd be called that; this led to his being a camera enthusiast, nicknamed "shutterbug" or "Bug" for short. I did initially name him Herbert, but then realized that made him the third Herbert in the Webfoot Weavings (after Herb Muddlefoot and Honker), so the name was changed. His personality is not largely drawn from my grandfather, who was much more of a character than Bug, but the inspiration was still there. My grandfather died on April 2nd, 2009.
Irene Webfoot was not named after my grandmother (Thelma), nor is my grandmother Irish. But she did call us "me darlin'", and although nothing solidly inspired her character, I think there's a little of my grandmother in there somewhere. I won't say where. Most everything you'd think it was, is not. :) She died April 4th, 2010. I'm not dedicating this fanfic to them, because neither of them even knew it existed, and I'm not sure what either of them would think. But I am using it to remember them, anyway.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
And again a triumphant return..?
Well, I do intend to start writing in here again.
For now, I have a confession to make: I am a Wikipedia ho.
By which I mean that I use it constantly when writing; I use it as a reference tool. Only on really simple things, you know, if I have an idea for a joke or a minor point that isn't really relevant to the plot but could still help flesh out a scene, only I have no idea what I'm talking about, I just go to Wikipedia and look stuff up. Does anyone else do this? It only seems to make sense, really.
Things I've looked up in recent fics:
- Kinds of screws (like hardware)
- Scientific names of flowers
- Scientific names of frogs
- The release dates of Monty Python comedy albums
- Advertising slogans (yes, this is not THAT recent since I finished "High, Dry, and Flooded" like three years ago now, but still, I used it.)
I wish *I* were on Wikipedia.
For now, I have a confession to make: I am a Wikipedia ho.
By which I mean that I use it constantly when writing; I use it as a reference tool. Only on really simple things, you know, if I have an idea for a joke or a minor point that isn't really relevant to the plot but could still help flesh out a scene, only I have no idea what I'm talking about, I just go to Wikipedia and look stuff up. Does anyone else do this? It only seems to make sense, really.
Things I've looked up in recent fics:
- Kinds of screws (like hardware)
- Scientific names of flowers
- Scientific names of frogs
- The release dates of Monty Python comedy albums
- Advertising slogans (yes, this is not THAT recent since I finished "High, Dry, and Flooded" like three years ago now, but still, I used it.)
I wish *I* were on Wikipedia.
i'm back (again),
wikipedia is teh awesome
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