Thursday, February 28, 2008

First post!

Well. Welcome to the Weblog Chronicles, the fanfic-tie-in blog with the Corniest Name Ever! First of all let's assume I'm going to use this blog more often than I use my other blogspot account, which is to say never; so if I use this slightly more often than never, I am ahead of the tide!

Second of all let's establish a Mission Statement. Or a Statement of Purpose. Or... heck. Here's What I Wanna Talk About. :P

These posts will be dedicated to my Darkwing Duck fanfiction, primarily the Webfoot Weavings continuity but if I ever feel like talking about something non-Beth (yes, I am capable of this), I'll feel free to do so. Because it's MY blog. ;P I figure this will mean I have a place to randomly muse about character motivations, musical inspirations, scenes I'll never write, conversations that will never take place, and just general writing thoughts.

That being said, I'm not a stickler for rules. And I like to talk but I also like to converse, and to be spoken with. So I'm probably going to ask questions of my readers, if I have any; about writing or whatever strikes my fancy. I hope I have some readers or I'll get kinda lonely. ;D

Then again let's also hope I'll post here. I tell ya, I've *wanted* to post Webfoot stuff all the time lately, so having a blog just for that purpose seems like a good idea! Now what else has seemed like a good idea at the time... hmmm...

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