Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Perils of Ficcing

*lays head on desk and sighs*

Well, first of all I just posted another chapter on FF.net of All About Elizabeth, which is y'know. Fun on wheels. ;) No, I like it, actually. Present-day stuff (if you consider 1993 to be "present day" which for the sake of this fanfic we shall), and I get to introduce Beth's younger brother, whom I still know next to nothing about. I don't know yet if he wears glasses or not (Candy does - or rather, she needs them, but she has contacts; Beef doesn't need 'em) but I *think* his hair is slightly too long. I am pretty sure it's brown.

Eventually I'll work Kit, the youngest, in there too. I mean if I didn't it would just be danged lazy, you know? ;P

However, I have the spare time to write tonight and I've been in a real writing "groove" lately but what happens all too often is that I spend my days thinking of what I will write next, then I sit down to do it when I have a free evening and all my drive goes *poof!* out the window. Or um... out something that would make a "poof!" noise. (Baby powder bottle?) The problem I run into is that I don't want to write any of the scenes I am currently at in my fics. I only have two that I'm working on right now - AAE, and the rewrite of TWC1 - and I don't feel too much like doing TWC1 just yet but I am getting annoyed with Beth's therapist and don't feel like writing him. Nor do I feel like doing a flashback. This is all a little maddening since, with a handful of exceptions, that is all this fic is about, so I'm kind of stuck.

That's the problem I run into now. For years and years I've been teasing myself with the romance stuff - I don't write it all that well, so I try to limit myself with it and mostly just write the sort of tension of it. But I really want to write it for real, and sometimes it reaches the point where everything else is just the stuff I have to get through before I can write a good romantic and/or romantic tension scene; I have destroyed myself a little, I think. *sigh*

(Can you believe I've been drawing this relationship out for 14 years now? What the heck is wrong with me? :P)

Does this happen to anyone else? Do you ever get writer's block specifically because you want so much to write a particular thing, and get bored with/don't feel like doing the in-betweens? Fortunately sometimes it does pass and I can get good blocks of actual STORY done; sometimes however, it gets really bad - and this is the worst - it gets so bad that I can't actually even skip ahead and write a scene I've been wanting to do, because it doesn't come out right, so instead I sit and stare at it with even more self-induced block. AARGH. This is why I was not cut out for this.

I'm serious about that question, though. I'd like answers if anyone has any to give; discussion is totally cool by me. I believe I have it set so that you can post here without having a blogger account - if not, leave a message on LJ and I'll see if I can change my settings.

Aaaaand this? This right here? Is called procrastinating. :P Give me strength, folks. Deep down I would like to maybe get some part of a chapter done on TWC1 or something, tonight; I'd settle for making it through the first section of a flashback if I can't do TWC1. But c'mon. SOMETHING.


The Lauderdale said...

"Does this happen to anyone else? Do you ever get writer's block specifically because you want so much to write a particular thing, and get bored with/don't feel like doing the in-betweens? Fortunately sometimes it does pass and I can get good blocks of actual STORY done; sometimes however, it gets really bad - and this is the worst - it gets so bad that I can't actually even skip ahead and write a scene I've been wanting to do, because it doesn't come out right, so instead I sit and stare at it with even more self-induced block."

Responding to another old post: yeah, my problem is that I am a very linear writer who writes things downn in the order in which they occur in the story...for the most part. There are times when I have written a chapter or a scene that was to come and then played catch-up until I get to that chapter or reach an appropriate place for that pre-written scene. It's out-of-character for me, though, and leaves me feeling odd. I have a chapter that takes place at the end of something I started writing over two years ago - in fact I wrote this near-the-end chapter *before* I had written the beginning or any other part of this story - and I still haven't "reached" that chapter yet, and it just feels weird to have that continually hanging over me.

zebeckras said...

I normally write linear. Every time I write out of order it screws me up. But in the past couple of years I had so many ideas that I wanted to get down while they were fresh - particularly knowing it would be a long time before I got there chronologically - that I started skipping ahead. Then I just started doing it all the time with AAE, which I think might've screwed me up some. I have scenes WAY ahead of where I've posted, I have the endings of a couple of acts that I'm trying to reach on my own, I have the middles of some scenes, god, it's a MESS. The worst is that I have the beginnings of a couple of scenes that I then lost interest in... it's like, why am I keeping this right now?

By the way, the worst thing about doing a story this long is that I need to go back and reread it or else I'm going to contradict something major earlier in the story... 9_9;;