Thursday, December 22, 2011

30 Days Meme day 6

To be completely honest I'm shocked that I've stayed with this for so many days in a row now o_O

Day 6 – When you write, do you prefer writing male or female characters?

I don't really truly have a preference. I'll admit that I'm more confident with female characters in general, because I am one. A female character. Yes. :P No, but seriously, I do try to be in the head of the characters I write but if I'm in unexplored territory I feel a little more confident writing women if only because I can fall back on my own expectations in a situation like that.

I'll be a tiny bit less vague: sometimes when writing romance (and I don't mean just DWD stuff, this goes back to "Xena" and before), I'm not entirely sure that I'm writing a *male* perspective and not a female-as-male perspective. I try to differentiate because men and women approach romance differently, and even though of course it's going to depend on the specific character, there *are* gender differences. So I want to be sure that I'm approaching a character's feelings in a way that *makes sense* and not just a way that seems appealing to me, as a woman. It's hard; I try, I can't swear that it works but I do try.

Other than that though, no, I really have no preference between men and women. When it comes to writing I mean. *G*


Cheezey said...

I'm glad you've stuck with it every day! I like reading your responses.

That makes sense about feeling anxious and concerned that you're approaching romance from a female perspective if you're writing a guy. That said, I think you've done all right with LP in your stories, and what you've written for him seems in character to me.

zebeckras said...

Thanks! Speaking for me, I have trouble writing mushy-and-unrequited love from either perspective 'cause I've been married for so long there's no infatuation/crush left in my relationship. Which is not to say that there's no affection, I just mean, we're waaaaay past the "stuck on you" phase that you get in when you're first into someone. I can barely even remember what that felt like. So I have trouble writing it from anyone's perspective, and especially when it's a guy, I think "Wait, do guys GET this mushy? Am I just projecting?" XD 'Cause guys DO get romantic and mushy, but often in a different way from how women do. HARD STUFF.