Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Don't you just love it when you make a typo in your subject line?

Seriously. I just noticed a major one in that last entry. ("Throw up your ahnds" I think it was.)

I blame MS Word's autocorrect features, especially the ones in Outlook. They're making me lazy as hell about my typing. :P Me - and AMERICA IN GENERAL!

So, not a lot to mention; I have been getting some lovely gift art lately ^_^ I am embarking on a quest to do more gift art myself for the month of March, and this is probably going to inevitably slow down my efforts at regular updates to my fics (I technically am working on two at the moment). I'd like to get at least one chapter done on each per month, but with the art thingie, that might not happen.

The good part is that I have a lot already written and it just needs betaing, so there will be SOME updates this month. :)

So, also got some very nice reviews on the first chapter of TWC3, thank you so much guys! :D I'm going to go back to an idea I had with TWC1, and start putting "deleted" scenes up here. I didn't have any for TWC2, since that one was shorter, but I need to do some trimming on 3. I am longwinded. :P I don't really think that's a major flaw, but I do like to keep my chapters down to 4,000 words or less - especially if they're not action-heavy. If it's just a bunch of character exposition I want them shorter. 4,000 words is actually a buttload of lot, but it's my ceiling. I hope anyway. :)

Well, this is a long entry considering I have very little or nothing to say! See you guys later, maybe later this week I hope!

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