Monday, December 26, 2011

30 Days Meme day 10

Day 10 – Pairings – Have you ever gone outside your comfort zone and written a pairing you liked, but found you couldn’t write, or a pairing you didn’t like, and found you could?

So, woohoo! I actually did this ten days in a row!

I've written outside my comfort zone in "Xena" before; I've actually written some minor slash in that fandom, which is out of my comfort zone mostly b/c I don't actually see most of the characters as slashable within XWP canon. (I should explain, I usually won't slash characters who aren't gay, unless there's some REALLY good chemistry between them) So, in a challenge to write slash, I picked Joxer's brother Jett and Ares. It was actually, in my opinion, a pretty good story. :) But since I don't see either character as gay it was a little hard to do easily. (However I could more easily see Jett as being gay than I could see Joxer, and I can actually believe that the gods in Xena would have sex with either gender if they felt like it, so it wasn't TOO far off the beaten path for me.)

Otherwise, well... I dun think so, honestly. I actually hate the way I write romance and so unless I have a very particular pairing I want to see (like Joxer/Gabrielle), I won't usually write any shipping fic at all.

...So I'm just gonna throw this out here, I'm starting to feel uncomfortable and pretentious for my last couple of posts, particularly the one about OCs. I think I'm just going to expand on what I said there a little and clarify one thing: the only OC of mine that I don't feel is really a Mary Sue is Beth. The others, yeah, I just have to admit they are. That's a big part though of why I don't actually write them. The "Ranma 1/2" spinoff is inside my head for my own enjoyment and won't be written out. I know I've been a little weird about that, talking about the fandom as if I do write for it or do plan on writing my wishfulfillment spinoff... I totally don't, just to clarify. ;)

(So don't hate me!! ^^;)

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