Tuesday, December 20, 2011

30 Days Meme day 4

Day 4 – Do you have a “muse” character, that speaks to you more than others, or that tries to push their way in, even when the story isn’t about them? Who are they, and why did that character became your muse?

Well, here we go. This one should be easy: No, not really. :)

I will elaborate slightly, but not by much. If you define a "muse" character as being a favourite character to write (and thus the one I get ideas for), then Joxer might've been it. But I never felt like I was channeling him or like he was taking over. So I don't think it counts.

In terms of characters who push their way in or take over a scene, a little bit yes with DWD. Actually with Launchpad. Though, infrequently. :) It actually happens mainly with Launchpad and Beth; every time I try to write a couple of lines of dialogue between them it turns into a full conversation and a lot of the time they change topic and wander off course into something completely different. I often end up having just say the heck with it, write out a scene then once I've steered it to end where I want it to, I have to read through the whole thing and cut portions of it. (I did that a lot in the second chapter of TWC4, as mentioned in a previous post.) In the Christmas fic I did, also, there was going to be a brief scene in one chapter where Beth went shopping by herself, and as I wrote it Launchpad invited himself along and the "quick scene" took up the entire chapter. He also took over a pivotal scene in "High, Dry and Flooded" and said one single thing that changed the completely course of the remainder of the fic. And I couldn't stop him from doing it. (I mean, obviously I could have, but as I was writing I realized that it made the most sense to go that way. However I'd been planning the scene for YEARS already and never, ever planned on taking the scene - or the fic, or the series - in that direction.)

And finally in terms of character I like to talk to, I don't have one now but for quite some time it was Ryouga Hibiki. I used to use hiim to do MST3K stuff with. It was a lot of fun b/c it was all verbal sparring, and he was OOC (tremendously so - very surly and sarcastic, which I don't believe Ryouga is smart enouh to be) but OOOOH so fun. XD

1 comment:

Cheezey said...

Oh, I know exactly where you're coming from about characters having minds of their own and taking over a scene. Bushroot and Rhoda frustrated me endlessly in the second and third chapters of "Forget Me Not" because I'd have this plan, and then one of them would say something that would cause the other to bring their progress to a screeching halt. And I had to leave it that way, because it was the most in-character thing for them to do.

I think such frustrations are ultimately worth it, though. I think your Beth and LP scenes all have a very natural flow to them, and LP seems totally in-character to me.